Cross-Eyed Mary Jethro Tull
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 1997 14:42:55 -0500
From: Brian Peters
Subject: TAB: j/jethro_tull/
Cross-Eyed Mary by Jethro Tull.
Writen By Ian Aderson. Found on the album Aqualung.
Transcribed by Brian Peters.
Cross-Eyed Mary
Nice Litte Flute Ditty. For Guitar It's something like this.
e ------------------------------ B -3/20-17-16-15--3/20-17-16-15- s the Robin Hood of Highgate -- helps the poor man get along.
[-----] [Play Bridge Licks]
[Lick 2] [Lick 2] [Lick 2] [Lick 2]
[Lick 3] [Lick 3] [Lick 3]
e ------------------------------------------------ B ------------------------------------------------ G -6b-----6-8b-6-8b-6---6---------------8p6------- D ----8-6-----------------8-6-8-8p6---6-----8p6--- A --------------------8-------------8-----------8- E ------------------------------------------------
Verse 2/3:
[Lick 4]
Laughing in the playground -- gets no kicks from little boys:
would rather make it with a letching grey.
[Lick 4]
Or maybe her attention is drawn by Aqualung,
who watches through the railings as they play.
Bridge 1/3:
[Lick 2] [Lick 2]
Cross-eyed Mary, goes jumping in again.
[Lick 2] [Lick 2]
She signs no contract, but she always plays the game.
[Lick 3] [Lick 3]
Dines in Hampstead village, on expense accounted gruel,
[Lick 3] C D B
and the jack-knife barber drops her off at school.
[Em] Cross-eyed Mary
[C] [flute tbingie]
[D] []
[Am] [Bbm] [Em]
[Bb]oh Mar[C]y [D] ohhh[Em]h Cross-eyed Mary
Send Comments or Revision to:
Brian Peters
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