Sunrise to Sunset 3 Dayz Whizkey
|: C G F
F G C :|
Verse 1:
L[C]ola w[G]as a d[F]ancer
S[F]he came from [G]LA[C]
[C]Then she met g[G]uitar-w[F]illy
[F]Everything [G]was o[C]k
[C]They bought a Chevy [G]Eldo[F]rado
[F]Went down the [G]high[C]way
[C]They had the time of [G]their [F]lives
[F]That?s what the old f[G]olks s[C]ay
Chorus 1:
[C]With the[Am] wind in their h[G]air
Hot s[Am]hiver in the [F]air
[F]From sunrise to sunset
[G]Easy livin? oh y[C]eah[Csus4] [C] [Csus4]
Verse 2:
Guitar-willy quit his [F]job
[F]At the bar a[G]nd g[C]rill
[C]Sweet taste [G]of fr[F]eedom
[F]No more time[G] to [C]kill
[C]And he had a [G]little [F]money
[F]From his daddy?s [G]last [C]will
[C]Traded small t[G]own [F]bitterness
[F]For a live th[G]at?s [C]real
Chorus 2:
[C]With the [Am]wind in their h[G]air
Hot s[Am]hiver in the a[F]ir
[F]From sunrise to sunset
[G]Easy livin? oh y[C]eah[Csus4]
Guitar Solo
|: F G C G :|3x
[F] [G] [C]
Chorus 3:
[C]With the [Am]wind in their h[G]air
Hot [Am]shiver in the a[F]ir
[F]From sunrise to sunset
[G]Easy livin? oh y[C]eah
[C]With the [Am]wind in their h[G]air
Hot [Am]shiver in the a[F]ir
[F]From sunrise to sunset
[G]Easy livin? oh y[C]eah [Csus4] [C] [Csus4] [C] [Csus4] [C]
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