Make You Feel My Love Adele
To Make You Feel My Love
Words and Music by Bob Dylan
Sung by Adele
People seem to make this more complicated than it is! Its very easy!
Capo on 3rd fret
[G]When the rain is blowing in your fa[D]ce
[F]And the whole world is on yo[C]ur case
[Cm]I would offer you a warm[G] embrace
[A7]To make you feel [D7]my love.[G]
[G]When evening shadows and the stars appear[D]
An[F]d there is no one there to dry[C] your tears
[Cm]I could hold you for a millio[G]n years
[A7]To make you feel[D7] my love.[G]
[C]I know you haven't made your mind up [G]yet
[B7]But I would never [C]do you wrong.[G]
[C]I've known it from the moment that w[G]e met
[A7]No doubt in my mind where you belong[D7]
[G]I'd go hungry, I'd go black an[D]d blue
[F]I'd go crawling down the avenue.[C]
[Cm]There's nothing that I wouldn'[G]t do
[A7]To make you feel m[D7]y love.[G]
[G] [D] [F] [C] [Cm] [G] [A7] [D7] [G]
[C]The storms are raging on the ro[G]llin' sea.
[B7]And on the highway[C] of regret[G]
[C]The winds of change are blowing wild [G]and free.
[A7]You ain't seen nothing like me yet.[D7] [C/D]
[G]I could make you happy, make your d[D]reams come true.
[F]Thereā??s nothing that I wou[C]ld not do.
[Cm]Go to the ends of the earth[G] for you
[A7]To make you fe[D7]el my lov[G]e.
[Cm]There is nothing that I woul[G]d not do.
[A7]To make you f[D7]eel my lo[G]ve.
Thats is simple!
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