Sparrow Audrey Assad
Audrey Assad
[C]Why should I be [F]lonely,
Long for he[Am]aven and[F] home
When [C]Jesus is my [F]portion
And a cons[Am]tant Friend I[G] know
I [C]sing be[F]cause I'm [C]ha[G]ppy,
I [Am]sing be[F]cause I'm [G]free
For His [C]eye is [F]on the [C]sp[G]arrow,
His [Am]eye is [F]on the [C]sp[G]arrow
And I [C]kno[F]w He's watching [F]me[C] [G]
[C]Why should I be tro[F]ubled
When His te[Am]nder word I h[F]ear
No, [C]I rest on His g[F]oodness
In my do[Am]ubt and in my f[G]ear
I [C]sing be[F]cause I'm [C]ha[G]ppy,
I [Am]sing be[F]cause I'm [G]free
For His [C]eye is [F]on the [C]sp[G]arrow,
His [Am]eye is [F]on the [C]sp[G]arrow
And [C]I k[F]now
I s[C]ing be[F]cause He l[C]ov[G]es me,
I s[Am]ing b[F]ecause I'm [G]free
For His [C]eye is [F]on the [C]sp[G]arrow,
His e[C]ye is [F]on the sp[C]ar[G]row
His e[Am]ye is o[F]n the spa[C]rr[G]ow
And I [C]kno[F]w He's watching [F]me[C] [G]
He's watching [F]me[C] [G]
He's watching [F]yo[C]u
He's watching m[F]e
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