Flaws Bastille
When all of your flaws[C] and all of my flaws
Are l[G]aid out one by [Am]one
A won[C]derful part of the mess that we made
We p[G]ick ourselves und[Am]one
A[C]ll of your flaws and all of my flaws
They l[G]ie there hand in h[Am]and
On[C]es we've inherited, ones that we learned
They p[G]ass from man to [Am]man
There's a h[Am]ole in my so[F]ul
I can't f[C]ill it I can't fill [G]it
There's a h[Am]ole in my so[F]ul
Can you f[C]ill it? Can you fill i[G]t?
Y[C]ou have always w[F]orn your fl[G]aws upon your sl[Am]eeve
And [C]I have always b[F]uried them de[G]ep beneath the g[Am]round
Dig them u[C]p; let's f[F]inish what we've s[G]tarted
Dig them u[C]p, so n[F]othing's left unt[G]urned
[C]All of your flaws and all of my flaws,
When t[G]hey have been exhu[Am]med
We'll s[C]ee that we need them to be who we are
With[G]out them we'd be d[Am]oomed
There's a h[Am]ole in my s[F]oul
I can't f[C]ill it I can't fill [G]it
There's a h[Am]ole in my s[F]oul
Can you f[C]ill it? Can you fill [G]it?
Y[C]ou have always w[F]orn your fl[G]aws upon your sl[Am]eeve
And [C]I have always b[F]uried them de[G]ep beneath the g[Am]round
Dig them u[C]p; let's f[F]inish what we've s[G]tarted
Dig them u[C]p, so n[F]othing's left unt[G]urned
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