Adrienne The Calling
The Calling -Adrienne
Please can someone tab the lead for this song!this tab is for the intro.
The end is not very accurate but im just a kid an ive not been playing that long.
Hopefully this will lead somebody to tab out the whole song properly.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ----11b-----6-6b------6h8---6---------------9h11-11---------------------------------------| ------------------6------------6b--4-4--------------11-11------9h11---13--15--------------| -----------------------------------------------------------9h11---------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
tuning for rythem guitar: Eb Ab C# F# Bb Eb
Intro: G D C C D
I've been thinkin about [G]you, my [D]love
And [C]all the crazy things that you [D]put me through
Now I'm [G]coming around, and[D] throwing it back [C]to you[D]
Do you think about [G]me, when you[D] kiss him
Can you [C]taste me when you [D]lick his skin
And [G]all the while, I sho[D]wered you with [C]trust and promises[D]
What I'm [Em7]needing now's some s[D]weet revenge
To [C]get back all that I [D]lost then
I [Em7]gave you all I h[D]ad to give
But [C]I could never [D]reach you
Adri[G]enne, I [D]thou[Cadd9]ght I knew y[D]ou
[G]Once ag[D]ain, you [Cadd9]used me, use[D]d me
Adrienne, I should have left you
Long before, you used me, used me up
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