Oney Johnny Cash
Capo 1st fret
[G] I dedicate this song to the workin' man. For ev'ry man that puts in
Eight or ten hard hours a day of workin', toil and sweat.
He's always got somebody lookin' down his neck,
Tryin' to get more out of him than he really oughta have to put in.
After twe[G]nty-nine long years of workin' in this shop
With Oney standin' over me,[A]
To-day[D7] when that old whistle blows
I'll check in all my gear and I'll retire.[G]
The superintendent just dropped by and said they had planned
My little get-to-gether.[A]
Then he said I'd n[G]ever made it if old Oney hadn't held me to the fire.
I've se[G]en him in my dreams at night
And woke up in the mornin' feelin' tired.[A]
And old Oney d[D7]on't remember when I came here
How he tried to get me fired.[G]
With his folded hands behind him,
Ev'ry mornin' Oney waited at the gate,[A]
Where he'd rant and[D7] rave like I committed murder
Clockin' in five minutes late.[G] [A]
But today t[A]hey'll gather 'round me
Like I've seen 'em do when a man re-tires.[B7]
Then old Oney's [E7]gonna tell me from now on
I'm free to do what I desire.[A]
He'll present me with that little old gold watch
They give a man at times like this.[B7]
But there's one th[E7]ing he's not countin' on:
Today's the day I give old Oney his.[A] [C]
I been wor[C]kin' buildin' muscles;
Oney's just been standin' 'round a gettin' soft.[D7]
And to-day ab[G7]out 4:30 I'll make up
For ev'ry good night sleep I've lost.[C]
When I'm gone, I'll be remembered as
A workin' man that put his point a-cross.[D7]
With a right[G7] hand full of knuckles,
'Cause today I show old Oney who's the boss.[C]
[C]Mm, what time is it? 4:30?
Hey, Oney? Oney? Ha, ha, ha.. Fade out
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