Oney Johnny Cash
my guitar teacher is always saying that capos are for people who can't play bar chords,
i i figured it out with bar chords instead. so here goes, hope this sounds right...
written by Jerry Chestnut
performed by Johnny Cash
[G#]intro, spoken:
I dedicate this song to the workin' man
For ever' man that puts in a hard
Eight or ten hours a day of work and toil and sweat
Always got somebody lookin' down his neck
Tryin' to get more out of 'im
Than he really ought to have to put in.
A[G#]fter twenty nine long years
of workin' in this shop
with Oney standing over [A#7]me
[D#7]Today when that old whistle blows,
I'll check in all my gear, and I'll ret[G#]ire.
T[G#]he superintendant just stopped by
and said they planned my little get-to[A#7]gether
[D#7]and then he said I'd never have made it
if old Oney hadn't of held me to the [G#]fire
I[G#]'ve seen him in my dreams at night
and woke up in the morning feeling t[A#7]ired.
And old On[D#7]ey don't remember, when i came here,
how he tried to get me fi[G#]red...
W[G#]ith his folded hands behind him,
every morning, Oney waited at the g[A#7]ate...
where he'd [D#7]rant and rave like i committed murder
clockin' in five minutes l[G#]ate.
[A#]But today they'll gather 'round me
like I've seen 'em do when any man r[B#7]etires,
and old O[F7]ney's gonna tell me,
[A#]He'll present me with that little old gold watch
they give a man a times like [B#7]this,
but there's [F7]one thing he's not countin' on...
today's the day i give old Oney [A#]his! hahahahaha!
[C#]I've been workin' buildin' muscles,
Oney's just been standin' 'round, and gettin' [A#7]soft,
and t[G#7]oday about 4:30, I'll make up for every
good night's sleep I've l[C#]ost...
W[C#]hen I'm gone, I'll be remembered
as the workin' man that put his point [A#7]across...
With a [G#7]right hand full of knuckles,
today's the day I show old Oney
who's the [C#]boss!
(just keep strumming C#)
Hmmmmmmm, what time is it? 4:30? Heeeeeyyyy Oney! Oney! haha!
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