My Friend Goo Sonic Youth
My Friend Goo (sonic youth)
tuning standard eadgbe
define chords:
[E5] [F#5] [G5] [C#5] [D5]
e---x------x------x------x------x-----| b---x------x------x------x------x-----| g---x------x------x------x------x-----| d---2------4------5------11-----12----| a---2------4------5------11-----12----| E---0------2------3------9------10----|
heavy distortion, treble turned low, bass turned high
(or else play it on a bass with the treble turned way up)
(note: this may not be in the same key as what is on the album, but i
think the basic intervals are correct)
e -------------------------------| b -------------------------------| g -------------------------------| d -2----44444-2--2----44444-2----| repeat once a -2----44444-2--2----44444-2----| E -0----22222-0--0----22222-0----|
[E5]my [F#5]friend Goo has a [E5]real[F#5] tattoo
[E5]she[F#5] always knows just [E5]what[F#5] to do
[E5]she[F#5] looks through her hair like she [E5]does[F#5]n't care
[E5]wha[F#5]t she does best is [E5]stan[F#5]d and stare
[G5]she can play the [C#5]drum[D5]s i[C#5]n two
[G5]and the boys say :'[C#5]Hey [D5]Goo[C#5] what's new?'
[G5]my friend Goo just says :[C#5]'Hey[D5] yo[C#5]u'
[G5]my friend Goo just says :[C#5]'Hey[D5] yo[C#5]u'
[E5]i k[F#5]now a secret or [E5]two [F#5]about Goo
she won't mind if i tell you
she likes to wear green underwear
and they stand almost anywhere
[G5]she doesn't have [C#5]noth[D5]ing[C#5] to do
and the boys say :'hey Goo what's new?'
my friend Goo just goes :"hey you!" ('Pee you'?)
my friend Goo just goes :"hey you!" ('pee you'?)
[E5]i k[F#5]now a secret or [E5]two [F#5]about Goo
she won't mind if i tell you
i know a secret or two about Goo
i know a secret about Goo and you
[G5]and she sticks [C#5]just[D5] li[C#5]ke glue
and the boys go :(Hey Goo what's new?)
my friend Goo just goes :'pee you'
my friend Goo just goes :'pee you'
[B5] [A5] [B5] [A5]
e --------------------------------| b --------------------------------| g --------------------------------| d -9----77777-9--77777------------| repeat four times a -9----77777-9--77777------------| E -7----55555-7--55555------------| e -----------------------------------| b -----------------------------------| g -8---------------------------------| d -8----????????????????-------------| repeat four times (very a -6----????????????????-------------| unsure about this part) E -----------------------------------| e --------------------------------| b --------------------------------| g --------------------------------| d -7----99999-7--99999------------| repeat four times a -7----99999-7--99999------------| E -5----77777-9--77777------------|
(insert 28 bars or more of sonic youth type soloing HERE)
[G5]Goo Goo Goo[C#5] [D5] [C#5]
[G5]Goo Goo Goo[C#5] [D5] [C#5]
[G5]Goo Goo Goo[C#5] [D5] [C#5]
[G5] [C#5] [D5] [C#5]
(this continues)
my friend Goo
Goo Goo Goo
talkin' 'bout Goo
Goo Goo Goo
my friend Goo
Goo Goo Goo
you would too
michael p mccullough ++++ Klamath Falls OR # 1.541.884.3278
all moanday, tearsday, wailsday, thumpsday, frightday, shatterday
michael p mccullough ++++ Klamath Falls OR # 1.541.884.3278
all moanday, tearsday, wailsday, thumpsday, frightday, shatterday (joyce/FW)
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