Flashlight The Front Bottoms
[F#m] [E] [D] [A]
[F#m] [E] [A] [A]
Please fall [F#m]asleep so I can take [E]pictures of you and [D]hang them in my roo[A]m
So when I'll w[F#m]ake up I'll be like "Ye[E]ah, everything's all r[A]ight"
You are still [F#m]here, you are still ha[E]ppy.
You are still s[D]miling and laughi[A]ng.
You are still the [F#m]only thing and e[E]verything I need in my l[A]ife
And it goes [A]in, in, o[E]ut through the mouth
B[F#m]reathing exercises I will ne[E]ver figure out
So I am r[A]unning in circles or
W[E]alking in circles or
C[F#m]rawling in circles or
L[E]ying on the grou[D]nd.
And [Bm]I
Can hear your dog wh[E]istle from my bedroom.[A]
Ye[D]ah, yeah
And [Bm]I
Can see a flashlight cu[E]ttin'
Up the trees behind my h[A]ouse.
Yeah y[D]eah yeah yeah yeah.
[F#m] [E] [D] [A]
[F#m] [E] [A] [A]
She says a lot of the k[F#m]ids we graduated w[E]ith are now homeless
Which puts t[D]hem in mad shady situations with m[A]ad shady people
If[F#m] not everyday, t[E]hen on an every other day b[A]asis
And she's probably with a [F#m]few of them right [E]now
And they are probably just dr[D]inking and talking a[A]bout
How she misses gettin' f*[F#m]*ked up and h[E]angin' around[A]
And he says "[F#m]Hey, you're good at that" and she says "T[E]hanks. It's k[D]ind of
All I g[A]ot, " and then she looks a[F#m]way and says, "It's a[E]lso all I n[A]eed"
And I can s[A]mell plastic b[E]urning,
I can smell ch[F#m]emicals breaking d[E]own
I got your l[A]ast three em[E]ails,
The ones where you [F#m]said,
"I was s[E]orting some things o[D]ut"
And [Bm]he will be able to hear her dog w[E]histle from his be[A]droom
Ye[D]ah yeah.
And [Bm]I
Can see a flashlight c[E]uttin'
Up the trees behind my h[A]ouse.
Ye[D]ah yeah.
And [Bm]I will read the flashing
Like a M[D]orse code explanation
Though it'll mean no[A]thing
But take all night to figure out, out, out
[F#m] [E] [D] [A]
[F#m] [E] [A] [A]
I am [F#m]sad, I am [E]sad. And I am h[D]appy, oh God, I'm h[A]appy
(Please fall asleep so I can take pictures of you and hang them in my room)
There's just no[F#m] place in betw[E]een for us to m[A]eet
(So when I'll wake up I'll be like yeah everything's all right.)
But I am [F#m]sad, I am s[E]ad, but when I am h[D]appy, oh God, I'm h[A]appy
(You are still here, you are still happy. You are still smiling and
There's just no [F#m]place in betwe[E]en for us to m[A]eet
(You are still the only thing and everything I need in my life.)
When I am [F#m]sad, oh God, I'm s[E]ad, but when I'm ha[D]ppy, I am ha[A]ppy
(Please fall asleep so I can take pictures of you and hang them in my room)
And there's just no[F#m] place in betw[E]een for us to m[A]eet
(So when I'll wake up I'll be like, "Yeah, everything's all right")
When I am [F#m]sad, oh God, I'm s[E]ad, but when I'm h[D]appy, I am ha[A]ppy
(You are still here, you are still happy. You are still smiling and
And there's just no p[F#m]lace in betwe[E]en for us to m[A]eet
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