Black Water Timber Timbre
Timber Timbre - Black Water
Chorus :
All I [F]need is some [A]sunshine[Dm] [C]
All I need...
All I need is some sunshine
All I need...
Verse :
[Dm]The siren [Am]called beyond the t[Gm]reeline[Dm]
[Dm]With anoth[Am]er one for the cave[Gm]s[Dm]
[F]And in the t[Am]arn beyond those bi[Gm]rches[Dm]
[Dm]Is a spir[Am]it that I crave[Gm] [Dm]
And from the island people watching
You set that viking ship ablaze
We reached the moon falls I see a caldron
And found the spirit that I crave
You've fallen barefoot past the treeline
Peeping boned-eyed, birches sway
And a thousand whitefish floating belly up
In the spirit that I crave
And we threw ourselves right into it
Where lay the bodies had been claimed
We dove a third, a fourth, a fifth
Banned to the spirit that I crave
I found empathy from madness
Deliverance from malaise
My heart is filled with gladness
At the only spirit that I crave
Outro :
[Dm] [Am] [Gm] [Dm]
(Repeat to end)
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