My Same Adele
This is my first tab... There are other good tabs for this song, so I'm just
throwing mine into the mix :)
For anyone who's wondering, Adele wrote this song about her best friend when she was 16
The song is played in 4 4 time, for those who wish to know, and as a rough guide
for the verses, it should be half a bar (two beats) of Em and B7, and the a beat
of C, a beat of C7, and then back to Em for the last half bar of the line... and then repeat
My same
By Adele
[Em]You said I'm [B7]stubborn and I [C]ne[C7]ver give [Em]in
[Em]I think you're s[B7]tubborn 'cept you're a[C]lways [C7]softeni[Em]ng
[Em]You say I'm s[B7]elfish, I a[C]gree wit[C7]h you on [Em]that
[Em]I think you're g[B7]iving out in [C]way too [C7]much in[Em] fact
[Em]I say we've o[B7]nly known each [C]ot[C7]her one y[Em]ear
[Em]You say[B7] I've known you [C]lon[C7]ger, my d[Em]ear
[Em]You like to b[B7]e so close, I l[C]ike to [C7]be [Em]alone
[Em]I like to [B7]sit on chairs and [C]you pre[C7]fer the f[Em]loor
[Em]Walking with each [B7]other
Think we'll never match at all
But we [Em]do, but we [B7]do do do do, but we [C]do, but we [C7]do do do do do do do do
[Em]I thought I k[B7]new myself, some[C]how you [C7]know me m[Em]ore
[Em]I've never kn[B7]own this, [C]ne[C7]ver bef[Em]ore
[Em]You're the first to [B7]make up when[C]ever [C7]we ar[Em]gue
[Em]I don't know who I'd [B7]be if I [C]didn't k[C7]now [Em]you
[Em]You're so pro[B7]vocative, [C]I'm [C7]so con[Em]servative
Em B7 C C7 (two beats) Em
You're so adventurous, I'm so very cautious, combining
[B7]You think we would and we [C]do
But we [Em]do, but we [B7]do do do do, but we [C]do, but we [C7]do do do do do do do do
[Em]Favoritism ain't [B7]my thing but
In this [C]situation, I'll be [C7]glad
[Em]Favoritism ain't [B7]my thing but
In this [C]situation, I'll be [C7]glad to make an exception
[Em]You said I'm [B7]stubborn and I [C]ne[C7]ver give [Em]in
[Em]I think you're s[B7]tubborn 'cept you're a[C]lways [C7]softeni[Em]ng
[Em]You say I'm s[B7]elfish, I a[C]gree wit[C7]h you on [Em]that
[Em]I think you're g[B7]iving out in [C]way too [C7]much in[Em] fact
[Em]I say we've o[B7]nly known each [C]ot[C7]her one y[Em]ear
[Em]You say[B7] I've known you [C]lon[C7]ger, my d[Em]ear
[Em]You like to b[B7]e so close, I l[C]ike to [C7]be [Em]alone
[Em]I like to [B7]sit on chairs and [C]you pre[C7]fer the f[Em]loor
[Em]Walking with each [B7]other
Think we'll never match at all
Em B7 C7 (hard single strums)
But we do
Let me know what you think :)
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