These Streets Bastille
My favorite song by this amazing band. Please rate the tab and share your feedback.
[F]These streets are yours, you can k[C]eep them
I don't[Am] wa[G]nt[Am] them
[F]They pull me back, and I s[C]urrender
To the [Am]memorie[G]s I [Am]run from
Oh, we have p[F]aved th[G]ese st[Am]reets
With moments[F] of d[G]ef[Am]eat
[F]But ev[C]en if we wo[Am]n't admit it[G] to ourselves
We'll w[F]alk u[C]pon these streets and t[G]hink of little [Am]else
But [F]I won't show my f[C]ace here a[Am]nym[G]ore
[F]I won't show my f[C]ace here a[Am]nym[G]ore
[F]These streets are yours, you can k[C]eep them
In my m[Am]ind it's [G]like you [Am]haunt them
[F]And passing through, I think I s[C]ee you
In the s[Am]hapes of [G]other w[Am]omen
Oh we have f[F]illed th[G]ese w[Am]alls
With our mistak[F]es a[G]nd [Am]flaws
[F]But ev[C]en if we wo[Am]n't admit it[G] to ourselves
We'll w[F]alk u[C]pon these streets and t[G]hink of little [Am]else
But [F]I won't show my f[C]ace here a[Am]nym[G]ore
[F]I won't show my f[C]ace here a[Am]nym[G]ore
F, G, Am x2
[F]All that's le[G]ft beh[Am]ind
Is a sh[F]adow [G]on my [Am]mind
(Oh, a shadow comes upon a wall is silhouette and nothing more but it's all that's left behind)
[F]All that's le[G]ft beh[Am]ind
Is a sh[F]adow [G]on my [Am]mind
[F]But ev[C]en if we wo[Am]n't admit it[G] to ourselves
We'll w[F]alk u[C]pon these streets and t[G]hink of little [Am]else
But [F]I won't show my f[C]ace here a[Am]nym[G]ore
[F]I won't show my f[C]ace here [Am]anym[G]ore
[F]I won't show my f[C]ace here a[Am]nym[G]ore
[F]I won't show my f[C]ace here a[Am]nym[G]ore
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