Holding On Jamie Grace
I love this song. God is so amazing. :)This is my first tab, so sorry if it's bad :)
Thanks for reading!
[Em] [C] [G] [D]
[Verse 1:]
All the s[Em]igns of l[C]ife
They're [G]all around me with ev[D]ery heartbeat
I [Em]feel so a[C]live
I am [G]joy and sadness,p[D]eace and madness
If on[C]ly I can fight just a little longer
I kno[D]w it's gonna make me stronger
[Em]I just keep hold[C]ing on to wh[G]at I believe
[D]Oh, I believe in Yo[Em]u
Give me the stre[C]ngth to fight
and the he[G]art to believe when it's[D] hard to believe in[Em] You
Oh, Oh, Oh, [C]Oh, O[G]h oh [D]oh
[Verse 2:]
Oh and th[Em]ese are the time[C]s when do[G]ubt's tryin' to creep in
and I[D] need a reason that's larg[Em]er than li[C]fe when h[D]ope seems hard to f[C]ind
If only I can fight just a little longer I kn[D]ow it's gonna make me stronger
[Cborus 2:]
[Em]So I just keep ho[C]lding on to what[G] I believe
[D]Oh, I believe[Em] in you
Give me the s[C]trength to fight
and the he[G]art to believe when it's h[D]ard to beli[Em]eve
[Em]I'll just keep ho[C]lding on
[G]holding on, hold[D]ing on
[Em]give me the s[C]trength to fight
and the h[G]eart to believe when it's [D]hard to believe in y[Em]ou
when it's [C]hard to believe in [G]you
[Em]i wanna b[C]elieve
if o[G]nly I can fight just a li[D]ttle longer
[Em]I know I'll be [C]stronger
[G]So I'll just keep holdin[D]g on, h[Em]olding on, h[C]olding on
[G]I'll just keep holdin[D]g on, ho[Em]lding [C]on
[Cborus 3:]
[Em]I'll just keep hol[C]ding on to what[G] I believe
[D]Oh I believe in Yo[Em]u
Give me the stren[C]gth for the fight
and the h[G]eart to believe cause I've [D]got to believe
[Em]I'll just keep holding[C] on, hol[G]ding on, ho[D]lding on
[Em]Give me the stren[C]gth for the fight
[G]and the heart to believe cause I've [D]got to believe in[Em] You
Yeah I've g[C]ot to believe in y[G]ou
Oh, Oh, Oo[D]ah
Yeah I f[Em]eel so al[C]ive
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