Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Cactus in the Valley  Lights

Capo on 2nd fret
Watch this for help with rhythm:
Cmaj/G Em Am Fmaj7 Em7 Dm Gmaj Dmaj

And also this chord which I don't know the name of

After pull offs/hammer ons switch to the next chord
Cmaj/G (pull off and hammer on the D string),
Em (pull off and hammer on the D string,
Am (pull off and hammer on the G string,
Verse (Same for each verse):
[Cmaj/G]I never meant to wither, I [Em]wanted to be tall
like [Am]a fool left the river and w[Fmaj7]atched my branches fall
old[Cmaj/G] and thirsty I longed for the flood [Em]to come back around
to the ca[Am]ctus in the valley,that's ab[Fmaj7]out to crumble down
[Fmaj7]and wipe the mark of [Em7]sadness from my [Cmaj/G]face
[Fmaj7]show me that your [Em7]love will never [Cmaj/G]change
Fmaj7 Em7 Am Unnamed Chord
if my yesterday is a disgrace
[Fmaj7]tell me that you [Em7]still recall my[Fmaj7] name[Cmaj/G]
Am Dm G (This line all muted strumming)
in the shadow, here i am
and i[Cmaj/G] need someone [G]by my s[Am]ide
it be[Dm]comes so hard to [G]stand
and i keep [Cmaj/G]trying to d[G]ry my [Am]eyes
[Cmaj/G]come and fi[D]nd me, in the [Fmaj7]valley
On the last chorus, let the chords ring until 'if my yesterday...'
and on 'disgrace' play a D instead of an Am.

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Am D Dm Em Em7 Fmaj7 G
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