Make You Feel My Love Adele
ADELE - 'Make You Feel My Love'
Tabbed by Robbie Adamson
This is the easiest way I've found to play this gorgeous song, use a capo on 1st
fret for correct tuning if you like. For a beautiful melancholic touch (as in the
actual song) scale down the base string for the first five chords of the verse. Enjoy!
Intro: A, E, G, D, Dm, A, B7, E7, A
[A]When the rain is blowing [E]in your face
[G]And the whole world is [D]on your case
[Dm]I would offer you a w[A]arm embrace
[B7]To make you feel [E7]my love[A]
[A]When evening shadows and the st[E]ars appear
An[G]d there is no one there to dr[D]y your tears
[Dm]I could hold you for a m[A]illion years
[B7]To make you f[E7]eel my lo[A]ve
( Tab from: )
[D]I know you haven't made your m[A]ind up yet
[C#7]But I would ne[D]ver do you wr[A]ong
[D]I've known it from the moment t[A]hat we met
[B7]No doubt in my mind where you be[E7]long
[A]I'd go hungry, I'd go bl[E]ack and blue
[G]I'd go crawling down the a[D]venue
[Dm]There's nothing that I wo[A]uldn't do
[B7]To make you fe[E7]el my lov[A]e
[D]The storms are raging on the r[A]ollin' sea
[C#7]And on the hi[D]ghway of reg[A]ret
[D]The winds of change are blowing w[A]ild and free
[B7]You ain't seen nothing like me yet[E7]
[A]I could make you happy, make your d[E]reams come true
[G]There’s nothing that I wo[D]uldn't do
[Dm]Go to the ends of the ea[A]rth for you
[B7]To make you fe[E7]el my lov[A]e
[B7]To make you f[E7]eel my lo[A]ve
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