I’ll Work for Your Love Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen - I'll Work For Your Love (tabbed by piahi)
Capo 3rd Fret
Am7 x02010 | Dsus2sus4 xx0030
C x32010 | D/F# 2x023x [tbumb on 6tb string]
C/B x22010 | Em7 022030
C/E xx2010 | G 320033
D xx0232 | G/D xx0433
Dsus xx0233 | G/F# 220033
----------------- PIANO INTRO [0:00 – 0:15] -----------------
[G] [G/F#] [Em7] [G/F#] [C] [Dsus] [G] [D] [C] [D] [G] [Em7] [D] [Dsus2sus4] [D]
----------------- VERSE 1 [0:16 – 0:45] -----------------
[G]Pour me a d[G/F#]rink, There[Em7]sa, in[G/F#] one of those glass[C]es you[D] dust off[G] [G/F#]
[C]And I'll watch[D] the bones in [G]your back[G/F#] like the [Em7]Station[C]s of the [D]Cross
'Round your [G]hair, the su[G/F#]n lifts a ha[Em7]lo; at[G/D] your lips[C], a crow[D]n of thorn[G]s[G/F#]
[C]Whatever [D]other deal’s goin'[G] dow[G/F#]n, to th[Em7]is one I'm[C] sworn[D]
----------------- CHORUS [0:46 – 1:02] -----------------
[C/E]I'll work [D/F#]for your love[G], dear
I'll[C] work for[D] your love[G] [G/F#]
[C]What others[D] may want[G] for[G/F#] free[Em7] [D]
I'll[C] work for[D] your love[G] [G/F#] [C] [D]
----------------- VERSE 2 [1:03 – 1:33] -----------------
The [G]dust of [G/F#]civili-[Em7]zatio[G/F#]ns and loves [C]sweet rema[D]ins[G] [G/F#]
[C]Slip off [D]of your [G]fingers an[G/F#]d come dri[Em7]ftin' d[C]own like [D]rain
The [G]pages of [G/F#]Revel-[Em7]ation [G/D]lie open in your [C]empty ey[D]es of blue[G] [G/F#]
[C]I watch you [D]slip that [G]comb [G/F#]through [Em7]your hair[C], and [D]this I promise you
[ Tab from: bttp://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/b/bruce_springsteen/ill_work_for_your_love_crd_ver_3.btml ]
----------------- CHORUS [1:34 – 1:47] -----------------
[C/E]I'll work [D/F#]for your love[G], dear
I'll[C] work for[D] your love[G] [G/F#]
[C]What others[D] may want[G] for[G/F#] free[Em7] [D]
I'll[C] work for[D] your love[G]
----------------- SOLO [1:48 – 2:02] -----------------
[G] [G/F#] [Em7] [G/D] [C] [D] [G] [G/F#] [C] [D] [G] [G/F#] [Em7] [D] [C] [D] [G]
----------------- BRIDGE [2:03 – 2:17] -----------------
Your tears,[D] they fill the ros’ry; at your fee[C/E]t, my tem[D/F#]ple of bones[G]
[D]Here in this perdi[G]tion we go on and[D] on
----------------- VERSE 3 [2:18 – 2:48] -----------------
Now our [G]city of [G/F#]peace has [Em7]crumbled; [G/F#]our b[C]ook of [D]faith's been [G]tossed[G/F#]
[C]And I'm [D]out here [G]searchin'[G/F#] for my ow[Em7]n piece[C] of the [D]cross
The [G]late after[G/F#]noon sun [Em7]fills [G/D]the room with the mist of the [C]garden be[D]fore the [G]fall[G/F#]
[C]I watch y[D]our hands smooth t[G]he f[G/F#]ront of [Em7]your blous[C]e, and[D] seven drops of blood fall
----------------- CHORUS + CODA [2:49 – 3:36] -----------------
[C/E]I'll work [D/F#]for your love[G], dear
I'll[C] work for[D] your love[G] [G/F#]
[C]What others[D] may want[G] for[G/F#] free[Em7] [D]
I'll[C] work for[D] your...
[C]What others[D] may want[G] for[G/F#] free[Em7] [D]
I'll[C] work for[D] your...
[C]What others[D] may want[G] for[G/F#] free[Em7] [D]
I'll[C] work [D]for your love
[G] [G/F#] [Em7] [G/D] [C] [C/B] [Am7] [D/F#] [G]
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