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My Best Was Never Good Enough  Bruce Springsteen

Capo 5
[G]Every cloud has [C]a silver lining[G], every dog has his [D]day
She sai[C]d, "Now d[G]on't say nothin'
if you don't have something nice to s[D]ay.[Dsus]"
[C]The tough, now th[G]ey get going, when the g[C]oing gets t[D]ough
But for you[G] my best [D]was never g[C]ood enoug[G]h
"Now [C]don't try for a home run, [G]baby
[G]If you can get the job d[D]one with a hit"
[C]Remember, [G]"A quitter never wins and a winner never quits[D]"
[C]"The sun[G] don't shine on a sleepin' dog's ass"
And all the [C]rest of that s[D]tuff
But for you[G] my b[D]est was never g[C]ood eno[G]ugh
[C]"If God gives you nothin' but lemon[G]s, [C]then you make some lemonad[G]e"
[C]"The early bird catches the fuckin' [G]worm ,
Rome wasn't built in a d[D]ay"[Dsus]
"Now [G]life's like a box of chocolates,
You never [C]know what you're going to [G]get"
"Stupid is as stupid does and all the [D]rest of that shit"
[C]Come'on pretty baby, call [G]my bluff
'Cause for [G]you my b[D]est was never g[C]ood e[G]nough

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C D Dsus G
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