I Won't Last a Day Without You Carpenters
[C]Day after [Em]day I must f[F]ace a world of str[G]angers
Where I don't b[Am]elong, I'm [Dm]not that st[G]rong
[C]It's nice to k[Em]now that there's so[F]meone I can t[G]urn to
Who will al[Am]ways care, you're al[Dm]ways the[G]re
When there's n[C]o getting [C7]over that r[F]ainb[G7]ow
When my sma[C]llest of d[C7]reams won't c[F]ome t[G7]rue
I can t[C]ake all the m[C7]adness the wo[F]rld has to giv[Fm]e
But I w[Dm]on't l[Am]ast a d[G]ay without yo[C]u
So many times when the city seems to be
without a friendly face, a lonely place
It's nice to know that you'll be there if I need you
And you'll always smile, it's all worthwhile
When there's no getting over that rainbow
When my smallest of dreams won't come true
I can take all the madness the world has to give
But I won't last a day without you
[Am]Touch me [Dm]and I end up sin[G]ging
[Am]Troubles se[Dm]em to [G]up and d[E]isappear
You [A]touch me w[B]ith the love you're bri[E]nging
[C#m]I can't really l[D]ose when you're n[E]ear
If all my friends have forgotten half their promises
They're not unkind, just hard to find
One look at you and I know that I could learn to live
Without the rest, I found the best
When there's no getting over that rainbow
When my smallest of dreams won't come true
I can take all the madness the world has to give
But I won't last a day without you
When there's no getting over that rainbow
When my smallest of dreams won't come true
I can take all the madness the world has to give
But I won't last a day without you
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