Flowers for My Brain Dear and the Headlights
Flowers For My Brain By Dear And The Headlights
on the album they are tuned down a half step.
Tabbed By Stanley
[A]We're just whistling past the g[E]raveyard
Laughing in backseats and re[A]staurants
Don't know ourselves well but so [E]what
We know each other
[Bm]Floating down from all my mixed up meditations
[E]Trying to straighten out my spine
[F#min]It's been folding in the moments that I need it
[D]I'm obsessing over finish lines
[Bm]Asked you why you're smiling every time you see me
[E]Said I remind you of a joke
[F#min]I think you might actually me on to something
[D]There's no point in trying to take ourselves [E]so seriously
A,E x2
( Tab from: )
[A]We're swaying in subconscious subways so i[E]nsane
But your thoughts still bring flowers for m[A]y brain
And I still pull my hands past your [E]ribcage
Hoping my movements might f[Bm]ind their place at your [E]side
For as l[Bm]ong as you'd [E]like
And we will weave in and out of sanity u[A]nnoticed
Swirling in blissfully rest[E]less visions of all our bleary p[A]rogress
Glowing in radiant m[E]adness
Certain of all we're b[Bm]ecome
Bm, E x4
[Bm]Now we're sneaking out the backdoor of our A[E]merican minds
[F#min]Gonna leave a couple hundred years of bad trad[D]ition behind
[Bm]Done with swimming in the sea of agitated a[E]nimal doubt
[F#min]Gonna make up out own meanings till the f[D]inal blackout (x2)
[A]We're just whistling past the g[E]raveyard
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