Hold Me Fleetwood Mac
Hold Me chords
Fleetwood Mac
[Am] [G] [Am] [G] [D]
[Am]Can you under[G]stand me
[Am]Baby, don t you [G]hand me a [D]line
[Am]Although it doesn t [G]matter
[Am]You and me got [G]plenty of [D]time
( Tab from: http://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/f/fleetwood_mac/hold_me_crd_ver_2.html )
[Am]There s nobody in the [G]future
So [Am]baby let me [G]hand you my [D]love
[Am]There s no step for you to [G]dance to
[Am]So slip your hand in[G]side of my [D]glove
[G]Hold [C]me, [G]hold [C]me, hold [D]me
[G]Hold [C]me, [G]hold [C]me, hold [D]me
[Am]I don t want no [G]damage
[Am]But how am I gonna [G]manage with [D]you
[Am]You hold the per[G]centage
[Am]But I m the fool [G]payin the [D]dues
[Am]I m just around the [G]corner
[Am]If you got a [G]minute to [D]spare
[Am]I ll be waitin [G]for you
[Am]If you ever [G]wanna be [D]there
[G]Hold [C]me, [G]hold [C]me, hold [D]me
[G]Hold [C]me, [G]hold [C]me, hold [D]me
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