Do You Want to Know Josh Wilson
If you want a heart of sympathy
[Em]Then pray to God to help you please
[C]See the world that Jesus sees
[G]But be careful what you ask Him for
[Em]Cause if youre gonna open up that door
[C]Theres no going back to before[D]
[C]Cause once you see a mothe[D]r who cant feed
[Em]The baby that cries in her arms[C]
[C]Your heart will break and youll [D]lay awake
[Em]No sleep wont come quick anymore[G]
[C]So do you [D]want to k[Em]now
[G]You pass him on the way to work
[Em]He holds a sign beside the curb
[C]You look away and avoid the hurt[G]
[G]Cause why should you be held responsible
[Em]Besides he'll probably just spend it all
[C]On cigarettes and alcohol mmm[D]mmm
[C]But once you see that the man on[D] the street
[Em]Has a name and a family like you[C]
[C]Your heart will break and youll lay awa[D]ke
[Em]Cause youll understand God loves him,
[C]So do you w[D]ant to kn[Em]ow
Oh no
[G]If you want a heart of sympathy
[Em]Then pray to God to help you see
[C]But once you see a world[D] thats in need
[Em]And a sorrow you just cant ignor[C]e
[C]Your hearts gonna break and youll lay awake[D]
[Em]Cause youll know you could do so much
[C]Do you w[D]ant to k[Em]now?
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