Walk on the Wild Side Lou Reed
By: Adam.M.L.
Alrite this is my fist tab but its very easy to play so enjoy.I didn't put the struming
in but if you listen to the song its really easy to pick up. The intro is also just a
if you don't have a bass.
[C] [F] [D]
e--x-----| e----x----| e---2----| b--1-----| b----1----| b---3----| g--0-----| g----2----| g---2----| d--2-----| d----3----| d---0----| a--3-----| a----x----| a---x----| e--x-----| e----x----| e---x----|
e-------------------| b-------------------| Repeated through out the song g-------------------| d-------------------| a-------------------| e---1---1/8-----8\1-|
[C]Holly came from Miami, F.L.A[F].
[C]Hitch-hiked her way across the US[F]A
[C]Plucked her eyebrows [D]on the way
[F]Shaved her legs and then [D]he was a she
[C]She says, Hey babe
Take a walk on the wi[F]ld side
[C]Hey honey
Take a walk on the wi[F]ld side
[C]Candy came from out on the Isla[F]nd
[C]In the backroom she was everybody's da[F]rlin'
[C]But she never lo[D]st her head
[F]Even when she was gi[D]ving head
[C]She says, Hey babe
Take a walk on the w[F]ild side
[C]I Said, Hey baby
Take a walk on the w[F]ild side
And the coloured girls go
[C]doo do doo do doo do do d[F]oo..
[C]Little Joe never once gave it a[F]way
[C]Everybody had to pay and p[F]ay
[C]A hustle here and a hustle th[D]ere
[F]New York City's the pl[D]ace where they say,
[C]Hey babe, take a walk on the w[F]ild side
[C]I said, Hey Joe
Take a w[F]alk on the wild side
[C]Sugar Plum Fairy came and hit the s[F]treets
[C]Lookin' for soul food and a place to e[F]at
[C]Went to the Ap[D]ollo
[F]You should've seen em g[D]o go go
They said, H[C]ey shuga Take a walk on the w[F]ild side
[C]I Said, Hey babe
Take a w[F]alk on the wild side
All right, h[C]uh
[C]Jackie is just speeding [F]away
[C]Thought she was James Dean for a d[F]ay
[C]Then I guess she h[D]ad to crash
[F]Valium would have he[D]lped that bash
Said, H[C]ey babe,
Take a walk on the w[F]ild side
I said, H[C]ey honey,
Take a walk on the w[F]ild side
and the coloured girls say,
[C]doo do doo do doo do do d[F]oo
Alrite thats pretty much it please comment if you have any suggestions.
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