Does This Mean You're Moving On? The Airborne Toxic Event
Does This Mean You're Moving On
By the Airborne Toxic Event
Tabbed by:Fred Shen
=================================Guitar 1==========================
Capo 4 Standard Tuning
Chord 1 Chord 2 Chord 3 D A E
e| 0 0 7 2 0 0
B| 5 7 5 3 2 0
G| 6 6 6 2 2 1
D| 7 7 7 0 2 2
A| 0 0 0 0 0 2
E| 0 0 0 0 0 0
================================Guitar 2=================================
Tuning: Capo 4 standard Tuning
Rift A
e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|-----------4--4--7--7--4--4------------------------------------------------| A|----7--7-------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
Rift B
e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|----------4--4-------------------------------------------------------------| D|----------------7--7--4--4-------------------------------------------------| A|----7--7-------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
Rift C
e|----11-x16--------------------------------11-x16---------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|-------------6--6--6-4b------6--6--6--4b-----------6--6--6-4b--------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|---4-x8---4--4--4--4----4-4------------------------------------------------| D|----------------------------7-7-6-6-4-4-2~---------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
Rift D
e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|------4--------------------------------------------------------------------| D|----7---7-4---x4-----------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
Rift E
e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|--7-5--7-5-----------------------------------------------------------------| G|------------6-4--6-4--x2---------------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
Rift F
e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|--------7-6b-------------9-7-6~--------------------------------------------| D|----7-6-------x3-----------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1st 2nd 1st 2nd (pause)
1st 2nd 1st 2nd (pause)
1st 2nd
And the funny thing is it has no end
1st 2nd
I try to call you up, at 2am
1st 2nd
In a crowded bar, your ringer tones
1st 2nd D
Grab my mind, I can see you through the phone,
The phone, the phone
And I'm wide awake at [A]home
At home, at home
So think I'll seem like [D]cat
And hope you don't catch
The bourbon on my [A]breath
My breath, my breath
(Rift A)
1st 2nd
Catch a cab outside on Seventh Street
1st 2nd
And the cars fly through the Bowery
1st 2nd
I come to your door and I hear a moan
(Rift B)
1st (pause) D
Then another voice, so Christ, she's not alone
Alone, alone
(Rift A)
And my heart sinks like a [A]stone
A stone, A stone
(Rift B)
And the tears won't even [D]come
I feel so numb
(Rift A)
So swept aside, so [A]dumb
So dumb, so dumb
[E]When the words are wrong
And my patience gone
Will you tell me
Does this mean you're moving on?
*Guitar Instrumental*
Guitar 1
1st 2nd 1st 2nd (pause)
1st 2nd 1st 3rd
1st 2nd 1st 2nd
1st 2nd 1st 2nd
Guitar 2
(Rift C)
1st 2nd
From the balcony, you call my name
1st 2nd
I see you standing in the rain
1st 2nd
Your words so dry, your face so wet
Said I broke your heart,
(Rift D)
(pause) D
But it hasn't happened yet
I'll bet, your friends all hate me now
(Rift E)
I [A]get the strangest looks,
From that bitchy crowd
(Rift D)
And [D]though, they must think
They have every reason to
(Rift E)
I [A]guess I'm still not quite yet over you
(Rift F)
[E]When the words are wrong
And you're hanging on
Another guy's arm
Does this mean you're moving on?
This is an acoustic version I tabbed by listening to their acoustic performance, As you can see, the lead guitar generally
also plays the main rifts and chords when not playing the part I tabbed out. You
should arrange the different guitar parts as you see fit. Credit goes towards dlaosen
for tabbing out the chords. I coppied his/her structure and chords, and mainly added
the part of the lead guitar. Thanks and enjoy this tab!
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note
| B Bend
| pb Pre-bend
| br Bend release
| pbr Pre-bend release
| brb Bend release bend
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