Half of Something Else The Airborne Toxic Event
This is tabbed after the bass but i play it on guitar so
I use bar chords and alternate between playing on just one string, and chords. Simple as it gets!
(If you want to play after the bass its
low E--12---5----9 in the same alternation as the chords)
Great band, great song! Don't forget to support the bands you love!
--Half of something else--
[E] [E] [A] [E] [C#] [E]
[E]On the night that we [E]met
You said that you [A]wanted
Something more from[E] me
And it was [C#]all that I could d[E]o
[E]I remember your face, like a c[E]hilds
The way that you [A]blushed and
The way that you'[E]d smile
And that was [C#]all that I can [E]do
And I [C#]wake up feeling [E]new
You're so much [C#]more I never[E] knew
[E]So I think of all the [E]years spent alone
It's like you're searching for [A]something
To make you feel [E]whole
Like a [C#]half of something [E]else
Like a [C#]half of something [E]else
just a [C#]fraction of you[E]rself
( Tab from: http://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/t/the_airborne_toxic_event/half_of_something_else_crd.html )
[E] [E] [A] [E] [C#] [E]
[E]Dont take it so hard, we did what we c[E]ould
There were no easy [A]answers
To be underst[E]ood
And it was [C#]all that we could [E]do
We're the o[C#]nly ones who [E]knew
Now all I [C#]think about is [E]you
The way that you [E]screamed
The way that you [E]cried
The way that you'd w[A]ipe your eye's
And fall against my [E]side
The way that you [C#]told
Told me I was [E]wrong
And the way that you'd [E]sing
When you'd hear a [E]song
And the way that you [A]answered
When you knew I was [E]gone
Now I know that i'm b[C#]lind
And that you're all I [E]see
And now I know it's not [A]clever
But I just want you with [E]me
I'm only [C#]half of something [E]else
I'm only [C#]half of something [E]else
I'm only [C#]half of something [E]else
[A] [E] [C#] [E] [C#] [E]
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