Home Timber Timbre
I couldn't find full lyrics. This is the best I could find/figure out.
[G]Buckle-back, ...........[D].
[C]Home, I want to be to[G]night
[G]Timber shovel, .........[D].
[C]Home, I want to be to[G]night
[G]Mother, father, sister, frigh[D]t.
[C]Home, I want to be to[G]night
[G]Timber stairway, sterling [D]fire.
[C]Home, I want to be to[G]night.
[G]Home, I want to [D]be tonight.
[Am]And home I want to [C]be tonight,
[Am]Home I want to [C]get this [D]right
[G]And I want to [C]come back [G]home.
Continue for the rest of the song.
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