40 Miles From Denver Yonder Mountain String Band
40 MILES FROM DENVER - Yonder Mountain String Band
Tabbed by: Heath Moore
Email: jheathmoore@yahoo.com
Artist: Yonder Mountain String Band
Song Title: 40 Miles from Denver
Tuning: Standard
[A] [E] [Fm] [E]
[D] [A] [Fm] [Fm]
[D] [A] [A] [E] [G] [D]
It's a [A]cold, cold [E]moon out [Fm]tonight[E]
And it's a c[D]old, cold po[A]int on your k[Fm]nife
Could I c[D]all myself a [A]man if I l[A]eft [E]by the [G]morning l[D]ight?
And I'd be [C]40 miles from [G]Denver when you [D]woke up all [A]alone
I'd be [G]40 miles from [D]Denver and t[D]hree d[A]ays f[C]rom my [G]home
In that c[C]ool mountain a[G]ir, on an A[Em]ppalachian t[F]rai[C]l
Ohh, l[F]ife is [C]better t[G]here
It's a lonely road to travel on
But I've stood here waiting much too long
And I'd rather leave this minute than try to carry on
And I'd be 40 miles from Denver headed east bound on the track
I'd be 40 miles from Denver and trying to get back
To that cool mountain air, on an Appalachian trail
Ohh, life is better there
It's a cold, cold moon out tonight
And it's a cold, cold point on your knife
Could I call myself a man if I left by the morning light?
And I'd be 40 miles from Denver when you woke up all alone
I'd be 40 miles from Denver and three days from my home
In that cool mountain air, on an Appalachian trail
Ohh, life is better there (4x)
Tuning: Standard with Capo at 2
( Tab from: http://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/y/yonder_mountain_string_band/40_miles_from_denver_crd_ver_2.html )
Intro Chords:
[G] [D] [Em] [D]
[C] [G] [Em] [Em]
[C] [G] [G] [D] [F] [C]
Intro tab (the way I play it):
[G] [D] [Em] [D] [C] [G] [Em] [Em]
e|-------3-3-3-3-------------------------------------------------------------| B|-------3-3-3-3-3-3-----3-0---------3-3------1----1--0---0--0----0--0-------| G|-------0-0-0-0-2-2-0h2-2-0-0---0---2-2------0----0--0---0--0----0--0-------| D|-0-0-2-0-------0---------2-0h2-0h2-0-0------2-0h2---0---0--2-0h2---2-------| A|-------2-----------------2-------------0-2-3---------0h2-------------0-2---| E|-------3-----------------0-------------------------3------0-------0--------|
[C] [G] [G] [D] [F] [C]
e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|--1----1--0---0-0--3--1-------1--------------------------------------------| G|--0----0--0---0-0--2--2-------0--------------------------------------------| D|--2-0h2---0---0-0--0--3-strum-2-strum--------------------------------------| A|-3---------2p0--------3-------3--------------------------------------------| E|---------3------3--2--1----------------------------------------------------|
It's a [G]cold, cold [D]moon out [Em]tonight[D]
And it's a c[C]old, cold po[G]int on your k[Em]nife
Could I c[C]all myself a [G]man if I l[G]eft [D]by the [F]morning l[C]ight?
And I'd be [Bb]40 miles from [F]Denver when you [C]woke up all [G]alone
I'd be [F]40 miles from [C]Denver and t[C]hree d[G]ays f[Bb]rom my [F]home
In that c[Bb]ool mountain a[F]ir, on an A[Dm]ppalachian t[Eb]rail[Bb]
Ohh, l[Eb]ife is b[Bb]etter the[F]re
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