She Came In Through The Bathroom Window Beatles
[A] She came in [F#m]through the bathroom wi[D]ndow
[A] Protected by[F#m] a silver sp[D]oon
[A] But now she sucks [F#m]her thumb and won[D]ders
By the banks of her own lagoon[A]
Didn't anybody t[Dm]ell her?[A]
Didn't anybody s[Dm]ee?
Su[G7]nday's on the phone to Mond[C]ay[C/B]
Tu[G7]esday's on the phone to [C]me[A]
She said she'd always[F#m] been a da[D]ncer[A]
She worked in fifteen [F#m]clubs a d[D]ay[A]
And though she thought[F#m] I knew the a[D]nswer
Well, I knew but I could not say[A]
And so I quit [F#m]the police depa[D]rtment[A]
And got [F#m]myself a steady j[D]ob[A]
And though she [F#m]tried her best to h[D]elp me
She could steal[F#m] but she could not rob[A]
Didn't anybody t[Dm]ell her?[A]
Didn't anybody s[Dm]ee?
Su[G7]nday's on the phone to Mond[C]ay[C/B]
Tu[G7]esday's on the phone to [C]me oh y[A]ea
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