I Will Buy You a New Life Everclear
As recorded by Everclear on "So Much For the Afterglow" LP
Tabbed by Jason Pan (balaka@alphalink.com.au)
and Buddylv12@aol.com
VERSION 1 - Tabbed by Jason Pan
e|----------------------| x4 B|----------------------| G|----------------------| D|--5--5--5--5-5-5-5----| A|--5--5--5--5-5-5-5----| E|--3--3--3--3-3-3-3----|
with this played over the top each time:
e|---15------15---| B|-------15-------| G|----------------| D|----------------| A|----------------| E|----------------|
[G] [B]
e|-------------------------| x3 B|-------------------------| G|--------4--4--2--2-------| D|--------5--5--4--4-------| A|--5--5--5--5--2--2--2--0-| E|--3--3--3--3-------------|
[C] [E] [D]
e|--------------------------| B|--------------------------| G|--5--5--5--5---9--9--7--7-| D|--5--5--5--5---9--9--7--7-| A|--3--3--3--3---7--7--5--5-| E|--------------------------|
[G] [B] [E] [C]
e|------------------------------------------------------| x4 B|------------------------------------------1--1--1--1--| G|----------------2--2--2--2---1--1--1--1---0--0--0--0--| D|---5--5--5--5---4--4--4--4---2--2--2--2---2--2--2--2--| A|---5--5--5--5---2--2--2--2---2--2--2--2---3--3--3--3--| E|---3--3--3--3----------------0--0--0--0---0--0--0--0--|
VERSION 2 - Tabbed by Buddylv12@aol.com
your chords are close but the way you lay it out will confuse someone. this
is how it should be...
(slightly muted)
G d-d-d-u-d-u-u(mute)G d-d-d-u-d-u-u(mute)G d-d-d-u-d-u-u(mute)G d-d-d-u-d-u-u(mut e)
G d-d-u-d B7 d-d-u-d G d-d-u-d B7d-d-u-d G d-d-u-d B7d-d-u-d C d-d-u Em -d-
[C] [d-d]
G d-d-u-d B7 d-d-u-d G d-d-u-d B7d-d-u-d G d-d-u-d B7d-d-u-d C9 d-d-d-u-d
(no mute)
G d-d-d-u-d-u-u(mute)G d-d-d-u-d-u-u(mute)G d-d-d-u-d-u-u(mute)G d-d-d-u-d-u-u
(lick 1)
|----------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------5-------------------------------------| |------3----5/7--------------------------------------------|
(slightly muted)
G d-d-u-d B7 d-d-u-d G d-d-u-d B7d-d-u-d G d-d-u-d B7d-d-u-d C d-d-u Em -d-
[C] [d-d]
G d-d-u-d B7 d-d-u-d G d-d-u-d B7d-d-u-d G d-d-u-d B7d-d-u-d C9 d-d-d-u-d
G d-d-d B7 d-d-d Em d-d-d C d-d-u-d G d-d-d B7 d-d-d Em d-d-d C d-d-u-d G d-d-d B7 d-d-d Em d-d-d C d-d-u-d G d-d-d B7 d-d-d C7 d-d-u-d
Crossover Between Chorus and Verse:
G d-d-u-d B7 d-d-u-d G d-d-u-d B7d-d-u-d B d (slide to first G in the verse)
(slightly muted)
G d-d-u-d B7 d-d-u-d G d-d-u-d B7d-d-u-d G d-d-u-d B7d-d-u-d C d-d-u Em -d-
[C] [d-d]
G d-d-u-d B7 d-d-u-d G d-d-u-d B7d-d-u-d G d-d-u-d B7d-d-u-d C9 d-d-d-u-d
G d-d-d B7 d-d-d Em d-d-d C d-d-u-d G d-d-d B7 d-d-d Em d-d-d C d-d-u-d G d-d-d B7 d-d-d Em d-d-d C d-d-u-d G d-d-d B7 d-d-d C7 d-d-u-d
Crossover Between Chorus and Verse:
(no mute)
G d-d-d-u-d-u-u(mute)G d-d-d-u-d-u-u(mute)G d-d-d-u-d-u-u(mute)G d-d-d-u-d-u-u G d-d-d-u-d-u-u G "type 2"-d- G d-d-d-u-d-u-u "G type 2"-d- G d-d-d-u-d-u-u G "type 2"-d- G d-d-d-u-d-u-u
"G type 2"
(played quietly on acoustic, on recording its an organ)
G d-d-d B7 d-d-d Em d-d-d C d-d-u-d G d-d-d B7 d-d-d Em d-d-d C d-d-u-d G d-d-d B7 d-d-d Em d-d-d C d-d-u-d G d-d-d B7 d-d-d C7 d-d-u-d
G d-d-d B7 d-d-d Em d-d-d C d-d-u-d G d-d-d B7 d-d-d Em d-d-d C d-d-u-d G d-d-d B7 d-d-d Em d-d-d C d-d-u-d G d-d-d B7 d-d-d C7 d-d-u-d G d-d-d B7 d-d-d C7 d-d-u-d G d-d-d B7 d-d-d C7 d-d-u-d
(on recording it plays the G, B7, C7 in a loop and fades out, b/c you can't
do this playing live then u can end it any way you want. I like to end with
the Intro and on the last G upstroke I like to let it ring)
But there it is, that is my interpitation of "I will buy you a new life"
Everclear. I think this is easier to read and understand and it sounds better
in the long run.
Suggestion by Kurt (kurt-kristy@bigpond.com)
the verse part of I will buy you a new life starts I'm sure it goes
G then B7 three times then when he gets to "...when I get paid again"
he plays a C when he sings 'I' and at the end of 'again' plays Em
this is a B7 just in case you didn't know ------2------ -------0------ -------2------ -------1------ -------2------ --------------
Suggestion by FleetadmJw1@cs.com
I found a mistake on your tab of "I Will Buy You A New Life"
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -----5----- -----3-----
This Is How The "So Much For The Alfterglow" tab book has it
JASON'S EVERCLEAR TABS - http://members.tripod.com/~panec/
Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server. The original song is hosted at www.xguitar.com. Chordie works as a search engine and provides on-the-fly formatting. Chordie does not index songs against artists'/composers' will. To remove this song please click here.