Overwhelming Everclear
As recorded by Everclear on "SFAAM #2: Good Time for a Bad Attitude"
Tabbed by Jason Pan (balaka@alphalink.com.au)
Thanks to Hugh Yik for pointing out the tuning
FIRSTLY: This song is tuned half a step down. This is how its played on
the album. A tab of this song in standard tuning follows this tab ie. keep
scrolling down and you'll find it.
VERSION 1: Tuning half a step down
NOTE: Tuning is half a step down (Low to High EbAbDbGbBbeb)
All Chords are written with respect to that tuning
(ie A becomes G#)
(Verse Riff)
[B] [F#] [Ebm] [Db]
eb|-------------------------------------------------| Bb|-------------------------------------------------| Gb|--------0-----------0-----------0-----------0----| Db|-----5-----------------------9-----------7-------| Ab|--3--------------5-----5--7--------6--5--------4-| Eb|-----------5--3----------------------------------|
(No Guitar) (Verse riff)
It can come from out of nowhere
Hit you when you're safe and warm
Take it easy my star
Your time is gonna come
Your time is gonna come
You got those crazy blue eyes
Yeah, you got those crazy blues
All those pretty smiles
I can see them laughing at you
Your time is gonna come
Your time is gonna come
(FOR CHORUS: Guitar (probably with a chorus pedal) plays each chord
once, while another strums the chords continuously behind with palm
(NOTE: Remember that it's tuned 1/2 step down. So play a B chord
like you would play a C in standard tuning.)
[B] [C#]
eb|-3-------------------5----------------------------| Bb|-5-------------------7----------------------------| Gb|-5-------------------7----------------------------| Db|-5-------------------7----------------------------| Ab|-3-------------------5----------------------------| Eb|--------------------------------------------------|
I don't wanna be your punching bag
[D#m] [Bbm]
eb|-7----------------2----------------------------| Bb|-8----------------3----------------------------| Gb|-9----------------4----------------------------| Db|-9----------------4----------------------------| Ab|-7----------------3----------------------------| Eb|-----------------------------------------------|
Your complaisant little princess all tragic and sad
[B] [C#]
eb|-------------3----------------5--| Bb|-------5-----5----------7-----7--| Gb|-------5----------------7--------| Db|----5-----5----------7-----7-----| Ab|-3----------------5--------------| Eb|---------------------------------|
I'm not gonna let you overwhelm me anymore
(Lead riff over verse riff)
eb|--------------12-10----------------------------| Bb|-----------12------13-12-10--------------------| Gb|-/12-----------------------12-11-9-------------| Db|-----------------------------------------------| Ab|-----------------------------------------------| Eb|-----------------------------------------------|
(verse riff through 2nd verse)
Yeah you say you got this bad thing
You say you got it bad
You have broken every heart
Of every friend you've ever had
Some day the time will come
When all your friends will go away
I wonder why I stick around
Sometimes I wish you would leave
You say you'll love me forever
Then you spit on me
Your time is gonna come
(Verse riff played underneath distorted guitar below)
[B] [F#] [D#] [C#] [B] [F#] [D#] [D] [C#] [C]
eb|-------------------------------------------------| Bb|-------------------------------------------------| Gb|--------------------5---------9-9-9-8-7-7-7-6----| Db|--------------------5---------9-9-9-8-7-7-7-6----| Ab|--------------------3---------7-7-7-6-5-5-5-4----| Eb|-------------------------------------------------|
i swear your time is gonna come
(Distorted Guitar plays each chord once, while another play continuously
behind it but palm muted. Chords are the same as the first chorus so play B
like you would play a C in standard tuning or look at the first chorus for
exact shape)
[B]Oh I don't wanna [C#]be your whipping boy
[D#m]Your pathetic litt[A#m]le loser someone you can ignore
[B] [C#]
eb|-------------3----------------5--| Bb|-------5-----5----------7-----7--| Gb|-------5----------------7--------| Db|----5-----5----------7-----7-----| Ab|-3----------------5--------------| Eb|---------------------------------|
I'm not gonna let you overwhelm me anymore
[B] [F#] [C#] [D#m] [D] [C#]
eb|----------------------------------------------------| x2 Bb|----------------------------------------------------| Gb|--5--5----------------------7--7--------9--9--8--7--| Db|--5--5---------5--5---------7--7--------9--9--8--7--| Ab|--3--3---------5--5---------5--5--------7--7--6--5--| Eb|---------------3--3---------------------------------|
(no lyrics first time)
I'm not gonna let you hurt me anymore
[B] [F#] [C#] [D#m] [D] [C#]
eb|----------------------------------------------------| x2 Bb|----------------------------------------------------| Gb|--5--5----------------------7--7--------9--9--8--7--| Db|--5--5---------5--5---------7--7--------9--9--8--7--| Ab|--3--3---------5--5---------5--5--------7--7--6--5--| Eb|---------------3--3---------------------------------|
| |
eb|---/12----------------------------------------------| Bb|--------12-13--10-12--------------------------------| Gb|----------------------12-14-11b---------------------| Db|----------------------------------------------------| Ab|----------------------------------------------------| Eb|----------------------------------------------------|
I'm not gonna let you hit me anymore
I'm not gonna let you kick me anymore
[B] [F#] [C#] [D] [D#m] [D] [C#]
eb|----------------------------------------------------| x2 Bb|----------------------------------------------------| Gb|--5--5----------------------7--7--7--8--9--9--8--7--| Db|--5--5---------5--5---------7--7--7--8--9--9--8--7--| Ab|--3--3---------5--5---------5--5--5--6--7--7--6--5--| Eb|---------------3--3---------------------------------|
| |
eb|---/12----------------------------------------------| Bb|--------12-13--10-12--------------------------------| Gb|----------------------12-14-11b---------------------| Db|----------------------------------------------------| Ab|----------------------------------------------------| Eb|----------------------------------------------------|
I will not let you overwhelm me anymore
[B] [F#] [C#] [D] [D#m] [D] [C#]
eb|--------------------------------------------------| Bb|--------------------------------------------------| Gb|--5--5--x--x--------x--x--7--7--7--8--9--9--8--7--| Db|--5--5--x--x--5--5--x--x--7--7--7--8--9--9--8--7--| Ab|--3--3--x--x--5--5--x--x--5--5--5--6--7--7--6--5--| Eb|--------------3--3--x--x--------------------------|
I will not let you overwhelm me anymore
I will not let you overwhelm me anymore
I will not let you overwhelm me anymore
[B]It can come from out of nowhere
[B]Oh I don't wanna [C#]be your simple saving grace
[D#m]Just another little [A#m]victim with a happy face
[C#]Someday soon [D#m]somebody's gonna come
[A#m]I hope they do this to you
B C# (strum palm-muted)
I'm not gonna let you overwhelm me
C# (gradually loosen muting)
I will not let you hurt me anymore
(Verse Riff)
Will not let you hit me anymore
Will not let you hurt me anymore
Will not let you twist me anymore
Will not let you turn me inside out
(Strum a B to end)
VERSION 2: In Standard Tuning
(Verse Riff)
[B] [F#] [Ebm] [Db]
e|-------------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------------------| D|-----4--4-----------4--------8--4--------6--4----| A|--2--------------4-----4--6--------5--4--------3-| E|-----------4--2----------------------------------|
(No Guitar) (Verse riff)
It can come from out of nowhere
Hit you when you're safe and warm
Take it easy my star
Your time is gonna come
Your time is gonna come
You got those crazy blue eyes
Yeah, you got those crazy blues
All those pretty smiles
I can see them laughing at you
Your time is gonna come
Your time is gonna come
(Guitar (probably with a chorus pedal) plays each chord once, while
another strums the chords continuously behind with palm muting)
[B]I don't wanna [C#]be your punching bag
[D#m]Your complaisant [A#m]little princess all tragic and sad
[B] [C#]
e|-------------2----------------4--| B|-------4-----4----------6-----6--| G|-------4----------------6--------| D|----4-----4----------6-----6-----| A|-2----------------4--------------| E|---------------------------------|
I'm not gonna let you overwhelm me anymore
(Lead riff over verse riff)
e|--------------11-9-----------------------------| B|-----------11------12-11-9---------------------| G|-/11-----------------------11-10-8-------------| D|-----------------------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------------|
(verse riff through 2nd verse)
Yeah you say you got this bad thing
You say you got it bad
You have broken every heart
Of every friend you've ever had
Some day the time will come
When all your friends will go away
I wonder why I stick around
Sometimes I wish you would leave
You say you'll love me forever
Then you spit on me
Your time is gonna come
(Verse riff played underneath distorted guitar below)
[B] [F#] [D#] [C#] [B] [F#] [D#] [D] [C#] [C]
e|-------------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------------| G|--------------------4---------8-8-8-7-6-6-6-5----| D|--------------------4---------8-8-8-7-6-6-6-5----| A|--------------------2---------6-6-6-5-4-4-4-3----| E|-------------------------------------------------|
i swear your time is gonna come
(Distorted Guitar plays each chord once, while another play continuously
behind it but palm muted)
[B]Oh I don't wanna [C#]be your whipping boy
[D#m]Your pathetic litt[A#m]le loser someone you can ignore
[B] [C#]
e|-------------2----------------4--| B|-------4-----4----------6-----6--| G|-------4----------------6--------| D|----4-----4----------6-----6-----| A|-2----------------4--------------| E|---------------------------------|
I'm not gonna let you overwhelm me anymore
[B] [F#] [C#] [D#m] [D] [C#]
e|----------------------------------------------------| x2 B|----------------------------------------------------| G|--4--4----------------------6--6--------8--8--7--6--| D|--4--4---------4--4---------6--6--------8--8--7--6--| A|--2--2---------4--4---------4--4--------6--6--5--4--| E|---------------2--2---------------------------------|
(no lyrics first time)
I'm not gonna let you hurt me anymore
[B] [F#] [C#] [D#m] [D] [C#]
e|----------------------------------------------------| x2 B|----------------------------------------------------| G|--4--4----------------------6--6--------8--8--7--6--| D|--4--4---------4--4---------6--6--------8--8--7--6--| A|--2--2---------4--4---------4--4--------6--6--5--4--| E|---------------2--2---------------------------------|
| |
e|---/11----------------------------------------------| B|--------11-12--9--11--------------------------------| G|----------------------11-13-10b---------------------| D|----------------------------------------------------| A|----------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------------|
I'm not gonna let you hit me anymore
I'm not gonna let you kick me anymore
[B] [F#] [C#] [D] [D#m] [D] [C#]
e|----------------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------------| G|--4--4----------------------6--6--6--7--8--8--7--6--| D|--4--4---------4--4---------6--6--6--7--8--8--7--6--| A|--2--2---------4--4---------4--4--4--5--6--6--5--4--| E|---------------2--2---------------------------------|
| |
e|---/11----------------------------------------------| B|--------11-12--9--11--------------------------------| G|----------------------11-13-10b---------------------| D|----------------------------------------------------| A|----------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------------|
I will not let you overwhelm me anymore
[B] [F#] [C#] [D] [D#m] [D] [C#]
e|--------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------| G|--4--4--x--x--------x--x--6--6--6--7--8--8--7--6--| D|--4--4--x--x--4--4--x--x--6--6--6--7--8--8--7--6--| A|--2--2--x--x--4--4--x--x--4--4--4--5--6--6--5--4--| E|--------------2--2--x--x--------------------------|
I will not let you overwhelm me anymore
I will not let you overwhelm me anymore
I will not let you overwhelm me anymore
[B]It can come from out of nowhere
[B]Oh I don't wanna [C#]be your simple saving grace
[D#m]Just another little [A#m]victim with a happy face
[C#]Someday soon [D#m]somebody's gonna come
[A#m]I hope they do this to you
B C# (strum palm-muted)
I'm not gonna let you overwhelm me
C# (gradually loosen muting)
I will not let you hurt me anymore
(Verse Riff)
Will not let you hit me anymore
Will not let you hurt me anymore
Will not let you twist me anymore
Will not let you turn me inside out
(Strum a B to end)
JASON'S EVERCLEAR TABS - http://members.tripod.com/~panec/
Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server. The original song is hosted at www.xguitar.com. Chordie works as a search engine and provides on-the-fly formatting. Chordie does not index songs against artists'/composers' will. To remove this song please click here.