Short Blonde Hair Everclear
As recorded by Everclear on the "SFAAM #2: Good Time for a Bad Attitude" LP
Tabbed by Jason Pan ( and Brett Paragow (
VERSION 1 - Tabbed by Jason Pan
NOTE: Tuning is half a step down (Low to High EbAbDbGbBbeb)
All Chords are written with respect to that tuning
(ie A becomes G#)
eb|-6~--------------------------------------------| Bb|-7~--------------------------------------------| Gb|-8~--------------------------------------------| Db|-8~--------------------------------------------| Ab|-6~--------------------------------------------| Eb|-----------------------------------------------|
"One, Two, Three... "
[Bb] [Dm] [Bb] [Gm]
eb|---------7--6~------------| x6 NOTE: A second guitar plays the Bb|-----7------7~------------| chords very loosely over the top Gb|---8---8----8~------8-8-4-| i.e fingers only lightly pushing down Db|-9----------8~------9-9-6-| on the frets Ab|------------6~------9-9-6-| Eb|--------------------7-7-4-|
(no lyrics first two times)
Hey, I think this is getting to me?
First class living in a goldfish bowl.
Just when I think I have driven my life where I wanted it to be,
it takes me to a place that I don?t not want to go.
[Gm] [F] [Gm] [F] [Eb]
eb|-----------------------------------| Bb|-----------------------------------| Gb|-4-3-3---------4-4-3-3-1-1---------| Db|-6-4-4---------6-6-4-4-2-2---------| Ab|-6-4-4---------6-6-4-4-2-2---------| Eb|-4-2-2---------4-4-2-2-0-0---------|
| |
eb|-------------2-------------------0-| Bb|---------2-------------------0-----| Gb|-------3---3---------------1---1---| Db|-----4-------------------2---------| Ab|-----------------------------------| Eb|-----------------------------------|
All I ever wanted to do was to learn how to break this world in two,
[Gm] [F] [Bb] [Gm] [F] [Bb]
eb|-----------------------------------------| Bb|-----------------------------------------| Gb|-4-4-3-3-8-8---------4-4-3-3-8-8---------| Db|-6-6-4-4-9-9---------6-6-4-4-9-9---------| Ab|-6-6-4-4-9-9---------6-6-4-4-9-9---------| Eb|-4-4-2-2-7-7---------4-4-2-2-7-7---------|
| |
eb|-------------------7-------------------7-| Bb|---------------7-------------------7-----| Gb|-------------8---8---------------8---8---| Db|-----------9-------------------9---------| Ab|-----------------------------------------| Eb|-----------------------------------------|
teach it all the tricks I wanted it to learn,
teach it how to do what I want it to do.
[Bb] [Gm] [F] [Gm] [F] [Eb]
eb|-----------------------------------------| Bb|-----------------------------------------| Gb|-8-8-4-4-3-3---------4-4-3-3-1-1---------| Db|-9-9-6-6-4-4---------6-6-4-4-2-2---------| Ab|-9-9-6-6-4-4---------6-6-4-4-2-2---------| Eb|-7-7-4-4-2-2---------4-4-2-2-0-0---------|
| |
eb|-------------------2-------------------0-| Bb|---------------2-------------------0-----| Gb|-------------3---3---------------1---1---| Db|-----------4-------------------2---------| Ab|-----------------------------------------| Eb|-----------------------------------------|
No one really understands just how simple and plan and predictable I am.
[Gm] [F] [Bb] [Gm] [F] [Bb]
eb|-----------------------------------------| Bb|-----------------------------------------| Gb|-4-4-3-3-8-8---------4-4-3-3-8-8---------| Db|-6-6-4-4-9-9---------6-6-4-4-9-9---------| Ab|-6-6-4-4-9-9---------6-6-4-4-9-9---------| Eb|-4-4-2-2-7-7---------4-4-2-2-7-7---------|
| |
eb|-------------------7-------------------7-| Bb|---------------7-------------------7-----| Gb|-------------8---8---------------8---8---| Db|-----------9-------------------9---------| Ab|-----------------------------------------| Eb|-----------------------------------------|
Because all I ever wanted to do was to play guitar in a rock and roll band.
[Bb] [Gm] [F] [Gm] [F] [Eb]
eb|-----------------------------------------| Bb|-----------------------------------------| Gb|-8-8-4-4-3-3---------4-4-3-3-1-1---------| Db|-9-9-6-6-4-4---------6-6-4-4-2-2---------| Ab|-9-9-6-6-4-4---------6-6-4-4-2-2---------| Eb|-7-7-4-4-2-2---------4-4-2-2-0-0---------|
| |
eb|-------------------2-------------------0-| Bb|---------------2-------------------0-----| Gb|-------------3---3---------------1---1---| Db|-----------4-------------------2---------| Ab|-----------------------------------------| Eb|-----------------------------------------|
Now I?m just losing my hair and I?m learning how to smile like I just don?t care.
[Bb] [Dm] [F] [Bb] [Dm] [F] [Eb]
eb|---------------|x2|-------------------------|x1 Bb|-----7----11---|--|--------7----11----9-----| Gb|-8---8----11---|--|----8---8----11----9-----| Db|-9---8----11---|--|----9---8----11----9-----| Ab|-9---6----9----|--|----9---6----9-----7-----| Eb|-7-------------|--|----7--------------------|
No, I just don?t care. (I hear them under their breath.)
No, I just don?t care. (What they say? when they think that I can?t hear them.)
I see them point and I see them stare.
There goes that stupid guy with the short blonde hair.
(Second verse is the same as the first, except with increased drum and
bass presence and maybe the second guitar strumming at bit heavier)
Yeah, I think this is getting to me?
First class living in a goldfish bowl.
Just when I think I have driven my life where I wanted it to be,
it takes me to a place that I don?t want to go.
(Pre chorus is also the same, again with extra drum and bass)
All I ever wanted to do was to learn how to break this world in two.
Teach it all the tricks I wanted it to learn,
teach it how to do what I want it to do.
No one really understands just how simple and plain and predictable I am.
Because all I ever wanted real bad was to play guitar in a rock and roll band.
Now I?m just losing my hair and learning how to smile.
[Bb] [Dm] [F] [Bb] [Dm] [F] [Eb]
eb|----------------------|x2|----------------------------------|x1 Bb|-----------7-------11-|--|-----------7-------11-------9-----| Gb|-8---------8-------11-|--|-8---------8-------11-------9-----| Db|-9---------8-------11-|--|-9---------8-------11-------9-----| Ab|-9---------6-------9--|--|-9---------6-------9--------7-----| Eb|-7--------------------|--|-7--------------------------------|
| | | |
eb|---------7------------|x2|---------7------------------------| Bb|-----7----------------|--|-----7----------------------------| Gb|---8---8--------------|--|---8---8--------------------------| Db|-9--------------------|--|-9--------------------------------| Ab|----------------------|--|----------------------------------| Eb|----------------------|--|----------------------------------|
No, I just don?t care. (I hear them under their breath.)
No, I just don?t care. (What they say? when they think that I can't hear them.)
I see them point and I see them stare.
There goes that stupid guy with the short blonde hair.
[Bb] [Dm] [Bb] [Gm]
eb|---------7--6~------------| x2 Bb|-----7------7~------------| Gb|---8---8----8~------8-8-4-| Db|-9----------8~------9-9-6-| Ab|------------6~------9-9-6-| Eb|--------------------7-7-4-|
| |
eb|-14-----------------------| Bb|--------------------------| Gb|--------------------------| Db|----------9\13------------| Ab|--------------------------| Eb|--------------------------|
Short Blonde Hair
[Bb] [Dm] [Bb] [Gm]
eb|---------7--6~---------------|x6 Bb|-----7------7~---------------| Gb|---8---8----8~------8-8-4----| Db|-9----------8~------9-9-6----| Ab|------------6~------9-9-6----| Eb|--------------------7-7-4----|
| |
eb|-14-----------------14b16r14-| Bb|-----------------------------| Gb|-----------------------------| Db|-----------------------------| Ab|-----------------------------| Eb|-----------------------------|
Say la de da de da de da da.
Say la de da de da de da
Say la de da de da de da da.
Say la de da de da de da
la de da de da de da da.
la de da de da de da (fade out)
VERSION 2 - Tabbed by Brett Paragow
^ - Upstroke
Chords Used:
Dm - X57765
Bb - 688766
[G] [-] [344533]
[F] [-] [133211]
To start, hit a Dm chord and hold it out for one measure.
Art then counts 1, 2, 3, 4, followed by drum smack, and then this riff, the
song's main riff throughout:
^ ^
e|-6--6--6--6-6-6-6-6-6--5--5--5--6-6-3-| B|-6--6--6--6-6-6-6-6-6--6--6--6--6-6-3-| G|-7--7--7--7-7-7-7-7-7--7--7--7--7-7-4-| D|-8--8--8--8-8-8-8-8-8--7--7--7--8-8-5-| A|-8--8--8--8-8-8-8-8-8--5--5--5--8-8-5-| E|-6--6--6--6-6-6-6-6-6--x--x--x--6-6-3-|
This is the prechorus riff, in between the main riff, and the chorus riff
below it:
^ ^ ^
e|-6--6--6--6-6-6-6--3--3--3--xx-1-1-1-| B|-7--7--7--7-7-7-7--3--3--3--xx-1-1-1-| G|-8--8--8--8-8-8-8--4--4--4--xx-2-2-2-| D|-8--8--8--8-8-8-8--5--5--5--xx-3-3-3-| A|-6--6--6--6-6-6-6--5--5--5--xx-3-3-3-| E|-x--x--x--x-x-x-x--3--3--3--xx-1-1-1-|
This is the other main riff; it's played during the chorus, after the
^ ^
e|-6--6--6--6-6-6-6-6-6--5--5--5--1--1--1-| B|-6--6--6--6-6-6-6-6-6--6--6--6--1--1--1-| G|-7--7--7--7-7-7-7-7-7--7--7--7--2--2--2-| D|-8--8--8--8-8-8-8-8-8--7--7--7--3--3--3-| A|-8--8--8--8-8-8-8-8-8--5--5--5--3--3--3-| E|-6--6--6--6-6-6-6-6-6--x--x--x--1--1--1-|
Hope that helps the lot of ya; perhaps somebody can come in here afterwards
and help me out a little bit with some of the rhythm and with some of the
fills that I haven't really transcribed. Regardless, enjoy it...
Email me at with any questions.
Suggestion from Hugh Yik (
Riff 1
[Dm] [Bb] [Dm] [Bb] [G]
e|--5~---|--------6--5----------| B|--6~---|-----6-----6----------| G|--7~---|---7---7---7----------| D|--7~---|-8---------7----8-8-5-| A|--5~---|-----------5----8-8-5-| E|-------|----------------6-6-3-|
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