Crazed Institution Jethro Tull
Jethro Tull: Crazed Institution
Album: Too Old To Rock'n'Roll, Too Young To Die
Chords: Håkan Mattsson
Capo on third fret
(1) (2) (3) ( The don't really )
E Esus E A Asus A D Dsus D ( play it the (3) way, )
-0-0---0-0- -0-0---0-0- -2-3---4-2- ( but it's possible, ) -0-0---0-0- -2-3---4-2- -3-3---3-3- ( to create the same ) -1-2---3-1- -2-2---2-2- -2-2---2-2- ( sound as (1) and (2). ) -2-2---2-2- -2-2---2-2- -0-0---0-0- -2-2---2-2- -0-0---0-0- ----------- -0-0---0-0- ----------- -----------
[E]Ju[(1)]st a little touch of make-up; just a little touch of bull;
[E]ju[(1)]st a little 3-chord trick embedded in your platform soul;
[E]yo[(1)]u can wear a gold Piaget on your Semaphore wrist;
[E]yo[(1)]u can dance the old adage with a new dapper twist.
And you can r[C]ing a crown of r[D]oses round your cra[A]niu[Asus2]m,
l[F]ive and die up[C]on your cross of pl[E]atinum.
Join the cr[D]azed insti[Dsus4]tution of the st[D]ars[Dsus4].
Be th[A]e man that [Asus4]you think you r[A]eally are.
Join the cr[D]azed insti[Dsus4]tution of the st[D]ars[Dsus4].
Be th[A]e man that [Asus4]you know you r[A]eally are.
[E]Cr[(1)]awl inside your major triad, curl up and laugh
[E]as[(1)] your agent scores another front page photograph.
[A]Is[(2)] it them or is it you throwing dice inside the loo
[A]aw[(2)]aiting someone else to pull the chain.
[E]We[(1)]ll grab the old bog-handle, hold your breath and light a candle.
[E]Cl[(1)]ear your throat and pray for rain
[D]to[(3)] irrigate the corridors that echo in your brain
[A]fi[(2)]lled with empty nothingness, empty hunger pains.
And you c[G]an ring a crown of r[E]oses round your cr[B]anium,
l[F]ive and die up[C]on your cross of pl[E]atinum.
Join the cr[D]azed insti[Dsus4]tution of the st[D]ars[Dsus4].
Be th[A]e man that [Asus4]you think you r[A]eally are.
Join the cr[D]azed insti[Dsus4]tution of the st[D]ars[Dsus4].
Be th[A]e man that [Asus4]you know you r[A]eally are.
Repeat verse 1 and chorus
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