Pied Piper Jethro Tull
Jethro Tull: Pied Piper
Chords: Håkan Mattsson
Capo on third fret
[G]Now if you think Ray bl[D]ew it, th[G]ere was nothing to [Em]it. [(Em7)]
[C]They patched[(Em)] him [Am]up as go[(Am7)]od as n[D]ew[(sus4/2)].
[G]You can see him every d[D]ay riding down the q[G]ueen's h[Em]ighway,
handing o[C]ut his small c[Am]igars to the kids from sch[D]ool.
[G]And all the little g[D]irls with their bl[G]eached blond c[Em]urls
clump [C]up on their pl[Am]atform s[D]oles.
[G]And they say ``Hey R[D]ay -[G]-- let's ride [Em]away
downt[C]own where we can r[Am]oll some alley b[D]owls.''
And R[F]ay grins from [Am]ear to here,[Bb] an[F#]d wh[B]ispers...
[E]So follow m[E7]e. Tr[D]ail al[F#m]ong.
[A]my leather j[E]acket's buttoned up.
[Bm]And my four-stroke s[F#m]ong
will pick you up wh[E]en your l[E7]ast class [A]ends
and y[E]ou can t[E7]ell all your fr[A]iends: [F]
The Pied Pi[C]pe[G]r pul[D]led you, [F]
The mad bi[C]ker[G] fool[D]ed you, [F]
I'll do what[C] you[G] want[D] to:
If you r[F]ide with me on a Fr[C]id[G]ay
anything goes.[C] [E]
[E]So follow m[E7]e, h[D]old on t[F#m]ight.
[A]My school girl f[E]ancy's flowing in[Bm] free flight.
I've a t[F#m]enner in my sk[E]in t[E7]ight j[A]eans.
You can t[E]ouch it if your h[E7]ands are cl[A]ean. [F]
The Pied Pi[C]pe[G]r pul[D]led you, [F]
The mad bi[C]ker[G] fool[D]ed you, [F]
I'll do what[C] you[G] want[D] to:
If you r[F]ide with me on a Fr[C]id[G]ay
anything goes.[C] [E]
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