Wind-Up Jethro Tull
Here's a quick sketch of the acoustic bits of Wind-Up. It seems to
have only one place where Andersonianism occurs, so there's not much
point in tabbing the whole shebang (at least, not from the acoustic
guitar point of view).
Ian Anderson
(transcribed by Paul Tarvydas)
Open, standard tuning (i.e. no capo!).
Single notes are shown as S/F, where S is the string and F is the fret.
The Andersonianism occurs on the last word of each (extended) line of
the verse. He comes off the D chord straight into an Asus4, with the
pinky holding down the 2/3 suspended note, in front of the 3rd finger
on the 2nd fret. He strums down once, then lifts both the pinky and
the 3rd finger off of the 2nd string and strums up, then replaces the
3rd finger on the 2nd fret and strums down-up. He then slides to his
Em7 fingering, pinning the 3rd finger on 2/3 ready for the D chord,
plays the little riff by lifting and placing the first finger. The
last note of the riff is the open 4th string - during this he sets up
the D fingering and then down-strums it.
V=downpick, ^=uppick, /=downstrum, \=upstrum
chord frets fingering
D xx0232 xx-132
Em7 x20030 x1--3-
F# xx4322 xx3211
G xx0003 xx---3
A xx2220 xx123-
Asus4 xx2240 xx12(3,4)- both, 3rd and 4th finger on 2nd string
Asus2 xx2200 xx12--
Bm xx4432 xx3421
E 022100 -231--
[D] [Em7] [D] [F#]
[/] When I was y[/]oung, and they [/]packed me off for [/]school
[G]/ [D]/ [Asus4] / [Asus2] \ [A]/ [A]\
and they taught me how not to play the game.
[Em7] V ^ V ^ [D]/
5/0 5/2 4/0 4/2
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They can ex[G]communi[A]cate me on my [D]way to [Bm]Sunday [G]school
And have [G]all the bishops [A]harmonize these [Bm]lines.
[Bm] [D] [E]
[Bm] [D] [E]
[Bm]How dare to tell me that I'm my father's son
When [G]that was just an [D]accident of [F#]birth?
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