Inside Jethro Tull
Inside - Jethro Tull
Intro F7
All the place[F7]s I've been m[Bb]ake it hard to begi[F]n
To enjoy life agai[Bb]n on [Cm]the insi[Bb]de, but I mean t[F]o
Take a wal[F7]k around the b[Bb]lock and be glad that I've g[F]ot
Me some tim[Bb]e to be [Cm]in from the o[Bb]utside, and inside y[F]ou
[F11]I'm sitt[F]ing in the corner feeling glad
[F11]Got no m[F]oney coming in but I can't be sad
[F11]That was[F] the best cup of coffee I ever had
[F11]And I won't wor[Bb7]ry 'bout a thing because we've got it m[C]ade
Here on the in[Bb]side, outside so far away [F]
Same as verse 1
And we'll laugh and we'll sing, get someone to bring
Our friends here for tea in the evening, old Jeffrey makes three
Take a walk in the park, does the wind in the dark
Sound like music to you? Well I'm thinking it does to me
Can you cook, can you sow, well I don't want to know
That is not what you need on the inside, to make the time go
Counting lambs counting sheep, we will fall into sleep
And awake to a new day of living and loving you so.
Fade to end
submited by Don Bell
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