Heavy Water Jethro Tull
Jethro Tull: Heavy Water
Album: Rock Island
Chords: Håkan Mattsson
[Em] [C] [A]
[Bm] [G] [A]
[Bm] [G] [A] [E] B7sus4:
(Barre Bm on 2nd fret,
Bm B7sus4 e 2 just lift the small
I walked out in the city night, B 5 finger and put it
A E D E G 2 on the Bstring,
A burning in my eyes, like it was broad daylight. D 4 fret 5.)
[Bm]And it was hot, down t[B7sus4]here in the crowd. [A]E [2]-
The st[A]ars went o[E]ut behind a th[D]under cl[E]oud.
Ch[F#m]atter in the air, like a t[E]elegraph line.
B[Bm]ig drops hissing on the neon sign.
Th[D]umping in my heart, and it's h[Bm]urting me to see.
Sm[A]okestack blowing, now they're p[G]ouring
heavy water [A]on m[Bm]e.
Ooh[G], p[A]ouring heavy water [G]on m[Bm]e.
Ooh[G], heavy w[E]ater.
[Bm]She was a southern girl. We stared [B7sus4]man to man.
I m[A]ove like a str[E]anger in this str[D]ange l[E]and.
[Bm]She was a round hole, I was a[B7sus4] square peg.
I w[A]atched the little bl[E]ack specks running d[D]own her l[E]eg.
D[F#m]idn't seem to mind that dirty r[E]ain coming down ---
sh[Bm]irt hanging open. She was wet and brown.
Th[D]umping in my heart, and it's h[Bm]urting me to see.
Sm[A]okestack blowing, now they're p[G]ouring
heavy water [A]on m[Bm]e.
Ooh[G], p[A]ouring heavy water [G]on m[Bm]e.
Ooh[G], p[G]ouring heavy w[A]ater.
[F#m]Bm G[Em] A * Solo, repeat 4 times *
Pouring heavy water
[A] [E]
[Bm]What goes up has to [B7sus4]fall back down.
It's no n[A]ight to be out d[E]ancing in a p[D]arty t[E]own
[Bm]when it runs hot and it r[B7sus4]uns so wide ---
r[A]unning in the str[E]eet like a th[D]in black t[E]ide.
Ch[F#m]atter in the air, like a t[E]elegraph line.
B[Bm]ig drops hissing on the neon sign.
Th[D]umping in my heart, and it's h[Bm]urting me to see.
Sm[A]okestack blowing, now they're p[G]ouring
heavy water [A]on m[Bm]e.
Ooh[G], p[A]ouring heavy water [G]on m[Bm]e. * repeat 3 times *
Ooh[G], p[A]ouring heavy w[G]ater - on m[Em]e.
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