Fire at Midnight Jethro Tull
Subject: Tull tab submission
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 10:17:38 +0100
From: Håkan Mattsson <>
Jethro Tull: "Fire at Midnight" from "Songs from the wood"
Chords from: Håkan Mattsson
Capo on 3rd fret
[G]I bel[C]ieve in f[Am]ires at m[Em]idnight [Em]
when the d[G]ogs have [G]all been f[Am]ed.
A g[G]olden t[C]oddy [Am]on the m[Em]antle
a [C]broken gu[G]n bene[G]ath the be[Am]d.
S[F]ilken m[F]ist outs[C]ide the w[Am]indow.
Fr[G]ogs and n[G]ewts slip [G]in the d[Am]ark
t[F]oo much h[F]urry r[C]uins the b[Am]ody.
[G]I'll sit [G]easy ... f[G]an the sp[D]ark
k[G]indled b[C]y the d[Am]ying [Em]embers [Em]
of an[G]other w[G]orking d[Am]ay.
G[G]o upst[C]airs ... take [Am]off your m[Em]akeup [Em]
f[G]old your cl[G]othes n[Am]eatly away.
M[F]e, I'll s[F]it and wr[C]ite this l[Am]ove song
[G]as I [G]all too s[G]eldom d[Am]o
b[F]uild a l[F]ittle f[C]ire this m[Am]idnight.
It's g[G]ood to b[G]e back [D]home wi[A(sus2)]th you.
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