Jeffrey Goes to Leicester Square Jethro Tull
Jeffrey Goes to Leicester Square - Jethro Tull
Intro A A
Verse 1
[Am]Bright city [Em]woman [Am]walking down Leice[E7]ster Square eve[A]ry day [E] [A] [E]
[A]Gonna get a pi[D]ece of [E]my m[E]ind [A] [D] [E] [E]
You thi[A]nk your not a piece of my [D]kind [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [E]
[E]Everywhere the people look[E]ing [A] [E] [E] [E]
[E]Why don't you get up a[A]nd sing[E]
[E] [E] [A] [A]
Verse 2 (same as Verse 1)
Bright city woman where did you learn all the things you say
You listen to the news man on T.V.
You may fool yourself but you don't fool me
I'll see you in another place, another time
You may be someone's but you won't be mine
(no solo chords at the moment, so if anyone can help here please do.)
submited by Don Bell
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