Endlessly Muse
[A] [Am] [C] [Dm] [E] [F] [G] [Gm]
E|--0----0------0-----1-----0----1-----3----3-----| B|--2----1------1-----3-----0----1-----0----3-----| G|--2----2------0-----2-----1----2-----0----3-----| D|--2----2------2-----0-----2----3-----0----5-----| A|--0----0------3-----x-----2----x-----2----5-----| E|--x----x------x-----x-----0----x-----3----3-----|
[Am]There's a part of me you'll never k[E]now
[Am]The only thing I'll never s[E]how
[Dm]Hopelessly, I'll love you e[Am]ndlessly
[Dm]Hopelessly, I'll give you e[F]verything
But I won't give you [C]up
I won't let you d[E]own
I w[Gm]on't le[A]ave you f[Dm]alling
[G]If the moment ever co[C]mes
[Am]It's plain to see, it's trying to s[E]peak
[Am]Cherished dreams forever asl[E]eep
[Dm]Hopelessly, I'll love you e[Am]ndlessly
[Dm]Hopelessly, I'll give you e[F]verything
But I won't give you [C]up
I won't let you d[E]own
I w[Gm]on't le[A]ave you f[Dm]alling
[G]If the moment ever co[C]mes
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