Tomorrow U2
U2 "Tomorrow"
steve palmer
Standard tuning
[A] [B] [D] [A] [A] [B] [D] [A]
|---------------------------------| |---------------------------------| |---------------------------------| |---------------------------------| |--------5-------------5----------| |--5-7-----5-----5-7-----5--------|
[A] [B]Won't you come back [D]to[A]morrow
[A] [B]Won't you be back [D]to[A]morrow
[A] [B]Won't you come back [D]to[A]morrow
[A] [B]can I sleep tonight?[D] [A]
Outside, somebody's outside
somebody's knocking at the door
There's a black car parked at
The side of the road
Don't go to the door
Don't go to the door
I'm going out I'm going outside
Mother I'm going out there
Won't you come back tomorrow,
Won't you come back tomorrow,
Won't you come back tomorrow,
Can I sleep tonight?
Who broke the window,
Who broke down the door?
Who tore down the curtain,
And who is it for?
Who heals the wounds
Who heals the scars?
Open the door, Open the door
Won't you be back tomorrow,
Won't you be back tomorrow,
Won't you be back tomorrow,
Can I sleep tonight?
(Strum chords)
'Cause I [B]want you,[A] I [B]want you back[A]
[B]Won't you be back to[A]morrow,
I [B]want you to be back to[D]morrow
[B]Won't you be back to[A]morrow
[B] Can I sleep tonight?[B]
[B]Won't you be back to[A]morrow,
I [B]want you to be back to[D]morrow
[B]Won't you be back to[A]morrow
[B] Open up, open up [B]
To the [B]lamb of [A]God
To the [B]love of [D]He who makes the [B]blind to [A]see
[B]He's coming back, [B]He's coming back
B A B A B A B A etc..
Believe HIM.
Jesus is coming
Music by U2
Lyrics by Bono
Transcribed by Brandon Leniart <>
There's not a whole lot to this song, it's in A minor, and
just bounces back between A minor and E minor with a slide
solo at the end in A minor, so just try to work with it.
Won't you come back tomorrow?
Won't you come back tomorrow?
Won't you come back tomorrow?
Can I sleep tonight?
Somebody's outside
Somebody's looking at the door
There's a black car parked at the side of the road
Don't go to the door
Don't go to the door
I'm going out
I'm going outside, mother
I'm going out there
Won't you be back tomorrow?
Won't you be back tomorrow?
Will you be back tomorrow?
Who broke the window?
Who broke down the door?
Who tore the curtain?
And who was He for?
Who heals the wounds?
Who heals the scars?
Open the door
Open the door
Acoustic guitar:
Won't you come back tomorrow?
Won't you come back tomorrow?
Will you be back tomorrow?
Can I sleep tonight?
Cause I want you
Electric guitar:
I want you
I really
I want
I want you to be back tomorrow
I want you to be back tomorrow
Will you be back tomorrow?
Won't you be back tomorrow?
Will you be back tomorrow?
To the love of God
To the love of He who made the light to see you
It's coming back
it's coming back
I believe it
Electric slide solo:
1-------------------- 2---13\10------13/15- 3-------------------- 4-------------------- 5-------------------- 6-------------------- 1---12------------------------------------------ 2-----------------------13---------------------- 3-------------------------------------------14-- 4----------------------------------------------- 5----------------------------------------------- 6----------------------------------------------- 1---15---17---17/19--20--- 2------------------------- 3------------------------- 4------------------------- 5------------------------- 6-------------------------
(that is the basic solo, just solo in Am, with no sharps or
flats, and you should be alright)
I'm gonna be there
I'm gonna be there, mother
I'm gonna be there, mother
I'm going out there
And you're gonna be there
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