Elvis Presley and America U2
"Elvis Presley and America" , by U2
From "The Unforgettable Fire"
I finally tabbed this after fooling around with it for so long.
My version is nowhere near to perfection, so you'll have to play around
with it to get a good feel for the song. The song is basically a jam,
and I strongly suggest you listen to the song as you try to play it.
The song has two guitars (both with capos) in it, and that ambiant
tremolo organ. One of the guitars is an acoustic, and the other is an
Use a delay with the electric, and set it to about .4 seconds delay
These are the chords for the acoustic (in reference to the capo):
G 32000x
C x32010 - You could also play this as a G: 32001x
G* 32003x
[F] [133211]
The whole song basically cycles thru the same chords on the acoustic.
Here's the general pattern:
C G*
White flash in my own life
[C]Tell me of my o[G]wn ... (repeat same pattern from here on)
(note: strum these chords cnotinually)
At about 1:22 into the song, when Bono sings "Don't talk to me...,"
the electric guitar enters with this little fill (only play it once):
e------------------------ b-0-3---3-3-0-3---------- g-----0---------0--------
At about 1:55 into the song, the chords change to F, right after
Bono sings "...And the king that howls has howled..."
The chords then switch back to the C, G*, C, G progression at 2:05.
At 2:45, the electric guitar enters again with a similar fill:
e----------------------------------------------- b---8---8---8---8---8---8---10---8---8---8---8-- g-7---7---7---7---7---7---7----7---7---7---7----
At 3:17, the electric plays the following tab:
e---------------------10--------10--------10---------10--10----- b-----8----------8---------8---------8---------8-------------8-- g---7---7---7-------7---------7---------7---------7------------- d-5-------5---5--------5---------------------------------------- e------------------------------------------------------ b-----5--------------5------5-------5-------5-------5-- g---5---5--7--5----5----5-7----5--7----5--7----5--7---- d-5--------------5------------------------------------- e-----------------------------10--------10--10-----10--10----10-- b---8--10----8---10--8---8--------8-------------8----------8----- g-7--------7---7-------7-------------7---------------------------
At 3:50 into the song, the acoustic chords again switch to an F
For the electric at this part, play the following:
*use tremolo bar over next part
e---5-------5-- b---6-------6-- Let these chords ring while using tremolo bar g---5-------5-- d---7-------7--
The rest of the song basically goes back to the usual strumming on the
acoustic. The electric guitar will add the little fills from above
every now and then until the end of the song. There is one last chord
that the electric guitar plays towards the end of the song, at 5:23:
The electric will then continue back into the little fills again.
That's the song, or my version at least. Corrections or suggestions are
Good Luck!
tabbed by mps133@psu.edu
Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server. The original song is hosted at www.xguitar.com. Chordie works as a search engine and provides on-the-fly formatting. Chordie does not index songs against artists'/composers' will. To remove this song please click here.