Promenade U2
Music by U2
Lyrics by Bono
Transcribed by Brandon Leniart <>
This song has 3 guitars playing at once, but I've tried to
make it for 1. It sounds good on a Stratocaster, and make
sure you play it softly, with clean tone and some delay.
Intro: (natural harmonics, with delay)
1---<12>-------------------------------------- 2-------------------<12>---------------------- 3--------------------------------------<12>--- 4--------------------------------------------- 5--------------------------------------------- 6---------------------------------------------
Earth, sky, sea, rain
Is she coming back again?
Men of straw smoke the hall
Words that build or destroy
Dirt, dry bone, sand, and stone
1------------------------------ 2---<12>---<12>---<12>---<12>-- 3---<12>---<12>---<12>---<12>-- 4------------------------------ 5------------------------------ 6------------------------------
(main riff)
1---15--------------------15----------------------------------- 2-------------13-----------------------13-------------------13- 3------------------------------------------------12------------ 4-------------------------------------------------------------- 5-------------------------------------------------------------- 6--------------------------------------------------------------
Barbed wire fence cut me down
I'd like to be around in a spiral staircase
To the higher ground
(chorus riff)
1---12--12--12--12--12--12------10--10--10--10--10--10- 2---12--12--12--12--12--12------10--10--10--10--10--10- 3------------------------------------------------------ 4------------------------------------------------------ 5------------------------------------------------------ 6------------------------------------------------------
I, like a firework explode
1---12---------------------------------------------- 2--------------12---------------------12\10--10--12- 3-------------------------12----------12\10--10--12- 4--------------------------------------------------- 5--------------------------------------------------- 6---------------------------------------------------
Roman candle, lightning lights up the sky
1---12---------------------12-------------------------12-------------- 2----------12-----------------------12---------------------12--------- 3------------------12------------------------12-------------------12-- 4--------------------------------------------------------------------- 5--------------------------------------------------------------------- 6---------------------------------------------------------------------
(with main riff)
In cracked streets trample underfoot
Side step the side walk
See you stare into space
Have I gotten closer now behind the face?
(with chorus riff)
Oh tell me
Tell me you'll dance with me
Turn me around tonight
Up through the spiral staircase
To the higher ground
(with main riff)
Slide show
Sea side town
Coca cola
Radio, radio, radio...
tabbed by: Sergio Lucero,
E[C]arth, sky, sea, and rain[F-C]
Here she comes back again[F-C].
Men stroll, sneak the hal[F-C]l
Words that build or destr[F-C]oy.
Dirt dry bones a[F]nd st[C]ones.[F-C]
B[C]arbed wire fence cut me [F-C]down,
I'd like to be around.
In a spiral staircase
to the higher gr[Am]ound.[G]
And I like a fir[Am]ewall and exp[G]lode.
Roman ca[F]ndlelightning lights [C]up the sky.
In cracked streets, trample underfoot
Sidestep, sidewalk.
I see you stare into space.
Have I gotten closer now,
behind the face.
Tell me, will you dance with me,
and turn me around tonight.
Up though the spiral staircase to the higher ground.
See slide show, see side town,
coca-cola, football, radio radio radio . . .
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