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Angie Rolling Stones
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rogidez1 (report)
How you get it right with the Em7 is beyond me dude, no disrespect but please repost with the right chords Peace
Dippides (report)
It's even a bit more complicated than markchordie wrote.
Am E G F Bb F G C
The secod chord is E but accentuated for a moment as E7.
Bb F G at the end are all just one count.
richiegay (report)
Sounds pretty good to me. I wouldn't change any of it!!!
oysterboy (report)
"come on baby dry your eyes" is C and G
oysterboy (report)
markchordie is right needs the Bb
Ackas (report)
This version sounds pretty good as is.
kichohana (report)
I don't hear an E7 after the F. Sounds like it holds the F and walks down to a C chord. Doesn't go to Am till start of next line. Progression: Am, E7, G, F, C
avalosd (report)
It sound good if you use Am, E7, G, F, Em7, Am. It sound better when you pick it in the beginning.
markchordie (report)
I think it should be Am E7 G Bb F C
drjake (report)
The correct wording is "Where will it lead us from here?" not "Where will the ladies from here/"
martin cook (report)
yes i agree with Am E7 G,F,C, COOKIE PLAY UP POMPEY.
nexustile (report)
Should be Am E7 G F C not Am E7 F G C