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With A Little Help From My Friends Beatles
V1: [E]What would you [B]think if I [F#m]sang out of tune,
Would you stand up and [B]walk out in [E]me.
[E]Lend me your ea[B]rs and I'll[F#m] sing you a song,
And I'll try not to sin[B]g out of key[E].
Ch: I get b[D]y with a little [A]help from my f[E]riends,
I get hig[D]h with a little hel[A]p from my fri[E]ends.
Gonna t[D]ry with a little he[A]lp from my fr[E]iends.[B]
V2: What do I do when my love is away.
(Does it worry you to be alone)
How do I feel by the end of the day
(Are you sad because you're on your own), No
(Chorus (without the B chord at end))
Bridge1: Do you [C#m]need anybody[F#]
[E] I need so[D]mebody [A]to love.
Could[C#m] it be anybo[F#]dy
[E] I want so[D]mebody [A]to love.
V3: Would you believe in a love at first sight,
Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time.
What do you see when you turn out the light,
I can't tell you but I know its mine.
Bridge2: Do you need anybody,
I just need someone to love.
Could it be anybody,
I want somebody to love.
Outro: Yes, I get by w[E/D]ith a little help from my frien[E/C#]ds,
With a little help from[E/C] my friends[E/D] [E]
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davius (report)
Ending Chords are....
Gordon Sander (report)