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Country roads John Denver
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KevDon16 (report)
What is the strumming pattern for this song.?
wattatripp (report)
There should be a C, right on the word "mornin'" on the bridge. The G chord should then on "calls".
r_d_sebastian (report)
this is a beautiful song sung by one of my favorite artists and i wouldn't change aqny of it
theamazingsupergirl (report)
oh wait...i see those chords in the bridge. nevermind. :-)
theamazingsupergirl (report)
I was wondering where the Fmaj7 and D7 come in, too. Also, who is your quote by? It's so true that luck is preparation when opportunity arises.
maxineontheuke (report)
oh my this plays well good on the uke nice one x
doctony (report)
As for the key, and noting well that many players [even when playing alone in the confines of their home] tend to sing or hum along with the tune, I think one's "voice range" becomes an issue. Now for me, when the tune begins in 'G', it seems to fit but moving up 2 semitones and starting with the 'A' becomes a voice strain.
CEASER67 (report)
i think miss kitty has it bang on nice one
ednaspal (report)
After listening to original I believe that it is in A.
So try it +2 semitones as Miss Kitty suggested. Worked for me!
wrtallman (report)
I put the capo on the 3rd fret. Sounds nice to me (plus it's in my range there :-))
Stop911 (report)
Good song this well done, I would only add C to G twice for the very last line.
rather than D to G as it sounds much better
wrtallman (report)
soooo capo on the 2nd fret? :-) = (two semitones)
misskitty (report)
Transpose this song +2 semitones and play it in "A" it is so much easier to play this way! and when you get to the "and driving down the road" part you can leave out the "G" chord and just slide down from F#minor to "E" somehow it is much easier to memorize the chords this way! Hope this helps some people who want to play this song!
beanaturelle (report)
This song is perfect just as it is.
richiegay (report)
All the chords work just fine and dandy for me!! Thank You.
Leglanche (report)
listen to the song... it really does fit
Headcase (report)
Where does the F Major or the D7 chord come in?