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Vincent Don McLean
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john vickers (report)
beutiful chords and words
rogidez1 (report)
The first line of each verse after G you can play a quick C/G ...G combo to fill ... just the way I play it and after Am play an Asus2 as well. Your format is great merely a suggestion
cheers man
Stop911 (report)
Grea chords and room for individual preferences thrown in..Capo 4 for me.Tks
richiegay (report)
Absolutely PERFECT as it is!!!!
wrtallman (report)
Yep sounds GREAT (ok for my voice [male]) capo'd on the 1st fret. :-)
erezpa (report)
It is great to alternate between G and C, back and forth, on the long G stretches. Like "{G} Starry starry night (c, back to G)
Obigone (report)
After the G on: "Vincent's eyes of china blue " throw in a C before going back to G. And the same on: "watch the world and can't for get"
svenfreeze (report)
Yep this is the perfect key.
kjlee2112 (report)
nope not with these chords... it's perfect.. i love this song.. lol
borgemestern (report)
isn't this song supposed to be played with a capo? or at least differently tuned?