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A World Without Love Peter and Gordon
[C]Please lock me a[E7]way and [Am7]don't a[G/B]llow the[Am7] day
[G7]Here ins[C]ide where I [Dm7]hide w[G7]ith my l[C]one -[Dm7] li - n[C]ess.
I don't c[Dm]are what they sa[F]y,
[Dm7]I won't [G7]stay [Dm7]in a w[G7]orld without l[C]ove.[Am7] [G#7] [G7]
[C]Birds sing out of t[E7]une, and [Am7]rain clouds [G/B]hide the m[Am7]oon;
[G7]I'm [C]okay, here I'll [Dm7]stay w[G7]ith my [C]lone - [Dm7]li - n[C]ess.
I don't c[Dm]are what they [F]say,
[Dm7]I won't [G7]stay [Dm7]in a w[G7]orld without l[C]ove.[Am7] [G#7] [G7]
[Dm7]So I wait, and in a while, [C]I will see my true love smile;
[Fm7]She may come, I know not when;
[Dm7]When she does, I'll [G#7]know; so [G7]baby until th[C]en...
[C/B]Lock me a[E7]way and [Am7]don't al[G/B]low the [Am7]day
[G7]Here insi[C]de where I h[Dm7]ide with my l[C]one - [Dm7]li - n[C]ess.
I don't [Dm]care what they s[F]ay,
[Dm7]I won't [G7]stay [Dm7]in a w[G7]orld w[Dm7]ithout l[C]ove.[G#7] [G7]
I don't [Dm7]care what they s[F]ay,
[Dm7]I won't [G7]stay [Dm7]in a w[G7]orld w[Dm7]ithout l[C]ove[Dm] [G7] [C]
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