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Your My Best Friend v1 Don Williams
You placed g[D]old ...[G]... on my [D]finger
You brought l[A]ove like I've never k[D]nown
You gave life .... to our c[G]hildren
And to m[D]e a re[A]ason to go o[D]n
You're my b[D]read .[G]... when I'm H[D]ungry
You're my sh[A]elter from troubled [D]winds
You're my anchor in life's[G] Ocean
But most of [D]all .[A].. you're my best f[G]riend
Verse 2
When I need [D]hope ....[G]. and inspirat[D]ion
You're always st[A]rong when I'm tired and [D]weak
I could search ... this whole world [G]over
You'd still b[D]e every-t[A]hing that I n[D]eed
Chorus: Repeat till fade
You're my [D]bread .[G]... when I'm h[D]ungry
You're my sh[A]elter from troubled w[D]inds
You're my anchor in life's [G]Ocean
But most of a[D]ll .[A].. you're my best [D]friend
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