Notice: Undefined index: PATH_INFO in /var/www/chordiepro/chord.pere on line 794
Heart Of Glass Blondie
[E] Once I had a love and it was a [G#]gas
Soon turned out, I had a heart of [E]glass
Seemed like the real thing only to [G#]find
Much mistrust, love's gone be-[E]hind
[E] Once I had a love and it was di-[G#]vine
Soon found out I was losing my [E]mind
[C] It seemed like the real thing but I was so [G#]blind
Much mistrust, love's gone be-[E]hind
Chorus 1:
[A] In between
What I find is pleasing and I'm [E]feeling fine
Love is so confusing there's no [E]peace of mind
If I fear I'm losing you
It's [F#]just no good, you [B]teasing like you do[E]
[E] Oo oo, la la
[E] Oo oo, la la
Verse 2:
[E] Once I had a love and it was a [G#]gas
Soon turned out, I had a heart of [E]glass
Seemed like the real thing only to [G#]find
Much mistrust, love's gone be-[E]hind
Chorus 1:
[A] Lost inside
Adorable illusion and I [E]cannot hide
I'm the one you're using, please don't push [A]me aside
We coulda made it cruising, yeah
[F#] Riding high on l[B]ove's true bluish light[E]
[E] Oo oo, la la
[E] Oo oo, la la
Verse 3:
[E] Once I had a love and it was a [G#]gas
Soon turned out to be a pain in the [E]ass
Seemed like the real thing only to [G#]find
Much mistrust, love's gone be-[E]hind
[E] Oo oo, la la
[E] Oo oo, la la
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kitemanmusic (report)
There are some errors in the chords. The first line should be E C#. Next line starts C#m