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Well, you [A]ask me if I'll for[D]get my baby[A]
[A]I guess I will [D]some day
[A]I don't like it but I [E]guess things happen that [A]way[E]
You [A]ask me if I'll [D]get along[A]
[A]I guess I will [D]some way
[A]I don't like it but I [E]guess things happen that [A]way[E]
[D]God gave me that [A]girl to lean on, [E]then he put me [A]on my own[D]
[D]Heaven help me [A]be a man and [E]have the strength to [A]stand alone
[A]I don't like it but I [E]guess things happen that [A]way[E]
You ask me if I'll miss her kisses
I guess I will every day
I don't like it but I guess things happen that way
You ask me if I'll find another
I don't know, I can't say
I don't like it but I guess things happen that way
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